Biology Chapter 6.1
Inheritance Terms life cycle A description of the growth and reproduction of an individual. Gametes (sperm cell and an egg cell) are produced by meiosis. Egg and sperm fuse at fertilization to create a zygote. Then this zygote copies all of the genetic information it contains then goes through mitosis to make two identical daughter cells. Each daughter cell divides many times producing an embryo.
Inheritance Terms Division of the embryo continues leading to the production of a full term infant and eventually an adult.
Chromsome Number Prokaryotes 1 circular chromosome in each cell Eukaryotes more than 1 linear chromosome in each cell
Variation in Chromosome Number Organism (Eukaryotes)Chromosome Number (in each cell) jumper ant2 stalked adder's tongue1260 human46
Instruction Manual Genes as words in an instruction manual. Different words from the manual are used in different parts of the body, and identical words may be used in distinctive combinations in different cells.
Gene Mutation creates Genetic Diversity Mutations in genes lead to different versions, or alleles, of the gene. Mutations are random.
Nucleotide Mutations
Codon Table
Mutation Worksheet
Inheritance Each parent gives a complete set of instructions to each offspring.
Large variety of offspring segregation: the separation of pairs of alleles during the production of gametes. independent assortment: Arises from the random alignment of chromosomes during meiosis. random fertilization: gametes combine without regard to the alleles they carry
Fraternal Twins Non identical twins or fraternal twins are dizygotic. They occur when two separate eggs fuse with different sperm. Embryos that develop are genetically different. 1 in every 80 pregnancies results in fraternal twins.
Identical Twins Identical twins are monozygotic twins. They develop from a single egg and sperm. Monozygotic twinning occurs when cells in an embryo separate from each other. If this happens early in development, each cell or compass cells can develop into a complete individual, creating genetically identical twins. One in every 285 pregnancies results in identical twins.