Demand for Remote Sensing Data in Forestry Pacific Island Countries GIS/RS Conference 30 th November 2011 Suva.
Overview History of Remote Sensing with Fiji ForestryHistory of Remote Sensing with Fiji Forestry Demands in Remote SensingDemands in Remote Sensing
History GIS and Remote Sensing started in Forestry in 1993 With collaboration for the National Forest Inventory of In line with the assistance of GTZ- GOPA
Forest Type / Function Map
National Forest Inventory
Image Data Source Landsat 7 25m resolution -> 1:50,000 About 30 scenes 2000, 2001, bands available: blue, green, red, near IR, short wave IR Most scene pre-corrected to UTM
LandSat 7 Satellite Image
Demand for Remote Sensing
Logged from Un-logged
Determine Different Forest Densities: Dense; Medium Dense; Scattered
Determine Coconut from Natural Forest
Mapping for Operational Level Mapping for Scale 1:10,000 Digital Terrain Model Slope of >30° - Protected forests
Mapping of Logging Areas Stereo Mapping Stereo Mapping 1:10,000 scale 1:10,000 scale Contour lines Contour lines Areas > 30o Areas > 30o
Atmospheric Conditions
Haze Different thresholds
WorldView2 - Drawa
WorldView2 - FCIR
Mangrove Mapping