And General Engineering is … HOLDING US UP!
We have to pour concrete before it freezes… We need to get the roof on before it snows… We need water turned on… The home owners need to move in… My construction loan is at the end of term and I can’t pay more interest…. I need to pay the contractor… Because I want it now!
PERMIT ISSUANCE Special Inspection Form Slopes that are steeper than 2:1 Retaining walls that are 4’ or greater in height, including footings Onsite Wastewater System Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) approval to construct Property is served by State of Alaska Right- of-way Driveway – Issued Alaska Department of Transportation (ADOT) driveway permit issued Utility – Issued ADOT utility permit
Special Inspection Signed and stamped letter from engineer for wall and/or slopes ADOT – Driveway/Utilities Written approval of ROW restoration and completion of permit requirements Grading Must be completed per plan and meet code. Bond Return As builts Seal asphalt Headwalls Onsite Wastewater System ADEC Approval to Operate Water meter installation If more than one dwelling unit a meter is required, i.e. single family with apartment OCCUPANCY AND PERMIT FINALS Temporary OccupancyFull Occupancy