BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy & Physiology I How do the Autonomic and Somatic systems differ? Both part of ______ ________ has __________ in CNS, whereas ________ has __________, 1 in CNS and 1 in ____________ ___________ Somatic neurons ___________, whereas Autonomic are _________ Somatic innervates __________ _______, whereas Autonomic innervates ___________________ __________________. See table 16.1 for more information
What structures comprise the sympathetic division? __________________ leave the spinal cord (T1- L2 or _______________, traveling with other axons through ventral root and spinal nerve) and enter the _____________ _____________.
What structures comprise the sympathetic division? These axons can synapse with _______________ ___________ in the SCG and… Or they can pass through to synapse in __________ or _______________.
Preganglionic neurons leave CNS (____________) to synapse with postganglionic neurons in __________________ in or near target organs. What structures comprise the parasympathetic division?
Nerve plexuses (sensory and motor neurons) associated with the _____________. _______________ detect chemical and physical changes _______________ stimulate smooth muscle contraction _______________ connect types 1 & 2 together What about the enteric portion of the nervous system?
Sympathetic axons reach target organs through ___________ and ______ _________ Parasympathetic axons reach target organs through _____________ and _____ __________ Remember _______ (________) _________ also travel via these nerves. How are autonomic nerve fibers distributed?
2 major types of neurons secreting one of 2 primary types of neurotransmitters: _________ neurons = _____________ Other substances may function as neurotransmitters What neurotransmitters are used at chemical synapses?
Receptors for _______________ come in 2 forms: __________ = excitatory (Na+ channels) __________ = excitatory/inhibitory (G proteins) ______________________ comes from neurons and/or adrenal medulla Effects… near sympathetic usually excitatory otherwise variable responses (see table 16.3) How do autonomic receptors vary ?
How is the autonomic nervous system regulated? ___________________ control visceral organs, glands and blood vessels
How is the autonomic nervous system regulated? _____________ is general control center for ANS ____________________ etc. communicate with hypothalamus thus _________ ________________________ Both sympathetic and parasympathetic systems can influence ______________ Enteric can operate independently of CNS via _____________
What is the “big picture” for the autonomic system? _______ divisions of ANS can produce __________ and __________ responses Most organs innervated by both divisions, w/ __________ ________, although not always and not equally
What is the “big picture” for the autonomic system? Sympathetic division causes more generalized responses (more divergent and adrenal medulla activity) __________ generally prepares for _____________ _____________ generally responsible for _________ __________ (SLUDD)