How to take World Geography reading notes You will take “reading quizzes” this year that usually consists of fill in the blank questions. You will be able to take notes on front, back, front pieces of paper. All of your notes must fit on those pages. These must be hand written. NO TYPING or copies. You can use these notes on the quiz. You will turn the notes in with your quiz.
It is always a good idea to read a section first, and then go back over it to take your notes. Look for any bolded words or phrases. These are often good to use on the quiz. Don’t forget to look over the illustrations and charts. These may have good information for quizzes. These count as an assessment grade so they have a big impact on your six weeks grade. Always write the the topic name
Read the first paragraph of the “Geographer’s Tools” reading. Take notes on the information you think it important. Write one fill in the blank question from the paragraph that you think would be important. Eratosthenes Syene and Alexandria First to accurately Calculate the circumference of the Earth Used critical thinking to describe the Earth 255 B.C. Facts that you might have taken notes on. Used stakes to make measurements Make certain to write down the topic names: Human Perspective, Maps and Globes, The Science of Mapmapking
What did Eratosthones drive into the ground at the mouth of the Nile River? Good question? Explain why Erastosthenes a famous figure in early Geography? Good question?
Read the first paragraph under the “Maps and Globes” heading. Take notes over what you think is important, geographically. Write one question you think might be found on a quiz over this paragraph. First map from Babylon 2,500 years ago Maps functions still to show locations of places Tablet about 4” high Surrounded by water Facts you might have written
Use the reading to take notes for the rest of the class period. There will be a reading quiz on Wednesday. To complete the reading, go to At the bottom of the page you will find World Geography. Download and print the reading from the website.