Thunks Is democracy an elected dictatorship? Back To Starters
Today’s lesson Functionalism essay FB Feminism
Functionalism essay FB Organic analogy – Comte – comparison made between society and the human body I think..... it can be argued..... Functionalism is both a structural theory and a conflict theory Balance the evaluation – say strengths/support as well as criticisms/ weaknesses
Functionalism essay FB Read through your essay – note the comments and codes Record your grade/mark out of 14 on your tracking sheet in the short essay questions section (next to your subculture mark) A-11 B-10 C-8 D-7 E-5 1/2
Intervention – Thursday MLT 1: Roshelle, Tiffany-Nina, Veena, Shania, Patryce Functionalism Essay: Joe, Amal, Jeanette, Roshelle, Ahmed, Jeanette
What do you think? False class consciousness? Do all rich people deserve all the money they have? Any luck? Any help? Meritocratic???
By the end of this lesson you will be able to... Identify and define what feminism is, identify and define how feminism has contributed to our understanding of society, Apply the concepts of feminism to contemporary society.
Feminist theory Ali G interviews Sue Lees Ali G interviews Sue Lees
What is feminism ? On the whiteboard write down one key word which comes to mind when hearing the word feminism
Feminism Feminist argue that another important status difference and source of inequality is gender, Feminist believe that the UK is a patriarchal society where men have more prestige and status than women across a range of social institutions, Feminist also believe that women have less economic power than men in society
Natasha Walter – The New Feminism (1999) 1. Women do not enjoy equality of access to jobs (specifically top jobs in the city), 2. Males monopolize professional and managerial positions, 3. Women are still expected to be predominantly responsible for the upkeep of the home and childrearing,
Different types of feminist All feminists agree that society is patriarchal – it favours men - but there are different types of feminist each with there own set of ideas. Liberal, Radical, Difference Marxist
Market place In your groups you will each be assigned a specific feminist type, In your groups you must create a poster which must only contain a maximum of ten words, but as many pictures as you like I will assign a teacher for each group who will trade/teach the information to other groups, The rest of the groups will go “trading” for other information in order to fill their worksheets. Return to your teacher and teach them what you have learnt
Key terms splat Add them to your dictionaries
Feminist theory Key terms
Key feminist terms – add them to your dictionary Patriarchal Subordinate Oppression Exploitation Power Exploitation Political lesbianism
Lets criticise Liberal Feminism Read through your handout from yesterday What key criticism does it highlight; Fails to challenge the underlying causes of women’s oppression Believes that changes in the law will be enough to bring equality Can you think of any more???
Lets criticise Marxist Feminism Read through the Marxist feminist section of your handout What criticism can you think of for this theory? Shows a greater understanding of the importance of structural factors Focus on capitalist societies, fails to explain women’s subordination in non-capitalist societies Gives an insufficient explanation of how men oppress women, focus’ too much on capitalism
Lets criticise Radical Feminism Read over radical feminism in your handout Radical feminists fail to recognise that women’s position has improved greatly Heterosexual attraction makes it unlikely that the nuclear family will disappear
Lets criticise Difference Feminism Read over your handout Highlights the different levels and methods of oppression experience by women from different social classes and different ethnic groups Neglects the fact that do share many of the same experiences
What do you think? Exit cards Do you agree with feminist ideas? Do you think society is patriarchal? Are women subordinate to men?
Outline & evaluate the feminist view of society
Lets plan this together
Lesson 3 Recap on feminist theory Essay structure & practice
Functionalism Essay example Read through the functionalism essay as an example of a clear writing and explanation of key terminology
Outline & evaluate the feminist view of society Lets continue to plan this together
Essay Plan Outline & evaluate the feminist view of society Write it onto your essay FB sheet Read over the requirements for this essay – what do you need to do to get the marks. Make a note of the sections that do not apply to this essay
Outline & evaluate the feminist view of society Using your plan complete the essay
Peer folder checks My folder checks last week showed a number of you have a lot of work missing & need to organise your folders Using your peer check sheet you will assess each other Tick the items that are present Circle the items that you need You must now make copies/ collect worksheets/ complete work You are responsible for making sure your folder is up to date by Wednesday I will be checking & SLT will be too!!!!!!!
Announcements MLT 2 Sociological theories Wednesday Homework is to revise for this test so that everyone passes first time Bring £1 with you for your Family revision text book Plus £1 outstanding for folders/dividers Have a lovely weekend!!