Pornography According to a ChristiaNet survey, 50 percent (Barna: 64%) of professed Christian men are addicted to pornography. According to a ChristiaNet survey, 50 percent (Barna: 64%) of professed Christian men are addicted to pornography. Charles Swindoll calls it “the no. 1 secret problem in your church.” Charles Swindoll calls it “the no. 1 secret problem in your church.” Swindoll wrote: “It's ruining marriages, destroying relationships, harming youth, and hurting the body of Christ." Swindoll wrote: “It's ruining marriages, destroying relationships, harming youth, and hurting the body of Christ."
Sex Trafficking Over 100,000 children (let alone adults) trafficked each year in U.S. Over 100,000 children (let alone adults) trafficked each year in U.S. “Johns” – in the Lord’s church. “Johns” – in the Lord’s church.
Many Other Hurtful Secret Sins Adultery, Child Molestation Adultery, Child Molestation Embezzlement Embezzlement Fraud Fraud Child/Spousal Neglect Child/Spousal Neglect Child/Spousal Abuse Child/Spousal Abuse
The Church Needs To Act This is OUR body – the Body of Christ! 1 Cor. 12:26 This is OUR body – the Body of Christ! 1 Cor. 12:26 We need to recognize the reality that “secret sins” exists within any (every?) congregation of believers. We need to recognize the reality that “secret sins” exists within any (every?) congregation of believers. The church needs to be a place where guilty brethren can “confess their faults”. Jas. 5:16-20 The church needs to be a place where guilty brethren can “confess their faults”. Jas. 5:16-20 That brethren can be made accountable so that many can glorify God. Eph. 5:8-21 That brethren can be made accountable so that many can glorify God. Eph. 5:8-21
If You Are Living In Secret Sin Please think about the people you are hurting. Please think about the people you are hurting. Love does not hurt others, it edifies others. Love does not hurt others, it edifies others. Your soul is much too precious to continue in sin only to lose your soul. Matt. 16:26 Your soul is much too precious to continue in sin only to lose your soul. Matt. 16:26 Know that not only does God love you, your brethren love you and want to help – not hurt – you. Cp. Jn. 8:11 Know that not only does God love you, your brethren love you and want to help – not hurt – you. Cp. Jn. 8:11 If we know you are in sin and you do not repent we – the body of Christ - must remain pure. Cp. 1 Cor. 5:7 If we know you are in sin and you do not repent we – the body of Christ - must remain pure. Cp. 1 Cor. 5:7