September 19th(A) and 20th(B) C olonial Development
Review: W hat type of agriculture was prevalent in the Southern colonies? Why? What was the nickname of the middle colonies? Why? How did geography affect the New England colonies?
Review: W hy were the middle colonies nicknamed the "bread basket?" What role did religion play in the New England colonies? Why would southerners have more time to talk with visitors about the news than people in New England or the Middle colonies?
Preview: O h yeah, dissappearing sentence!!!! T he French and Indian war changed the relationship between England and the 13 colonies
Preview: T he ______ and ______ war changed the relationship between England and the 13 colonies
Preview: T he ______ and ______ war changed the relationship between ______ and the 13 _______
Preview: T he ______ and ______ ___ changed the relationship between ______ and the __ _______
Preview: T he ______ and ______ ___ ________ the __________ between ______ and the __ _______
Preview: _ __ ______ ___ ______ ___ ________ ___ __________ _______ ______ ___ __ __ _______
Preview: N o taxation without representation leads to colonial agitation.
Warm- up: 1. What were the 2 sides in the conflict that led to the split of Carolina? 2. What were the reasons the Tuscarora attacked the settlers? 3. Who eventually stepped in to stop NC pirates and why did they feel it was important to do so?
1. Identify the 2 classes that can not change social classes. 2. Is there a difference between the colonial social classes and the caste system? Explain 3. How would the colonial social class structure cause conflict in the colonies?
Triangular Trade and the Columbian Exchange One partner will read about Triangular Trade on page 84 and 85. (Trade and the beginnings of Slavery, The Puritan Way Ends) O ne partner will read about the Columbian Exchange on page 44. (The Columbian Exchange) After reading your section take notes in a Y-Chart Format for your reading. Then you will teach your partner about what you have read and then they will take notes. Triangular Trade Columbian Exchange Similarities
Triangular Trade? Example #1 Manufactured Goods Slaves Plantation Crops
Mayflower Compact and the House of Burgesses House of Burgesses pg. 78
Royal Colony vs. Proprietary Colony
Create 4 tiered questions about anything from this unit on your notecard. 1. Identify 2. Cause and effect 3. Analyze 4. Predict
Homework: Study Guide
Attachments Triangle Of Trade.wmv