YOUNG LADIES, FIND OUT WHAT YOU SHOULD STRIVE TO BE. But don’t worry, we’ll offer you enough variations of the same thing that you still think you have unique style and originality.
AND LADIES, COME AND FIND OUT WHAT YOU ARE ALREADY SUPPOSE TO BE. But don’t worry, we’ll tell you in a way that you’ll still think you have your own personal tastes and preferences.
YOUR SKIN REGIMENT SHOULD BE AT LEAST 3 STEPS For your face to be presentable, you need not 1, not 2 but 3 different products! Your face needs correcting, it can’t just remain the way it is!
YOU NEED MORE MONEY TO SPEND MORE MONEY HERE At the mall, you should buy tickets to the lottery, so that you’ll have more money to spend at the mall.
DON’T FORGET ABOUT THE HOLIDAY THAT MAKES YOU HAVE TO BUY THINGS Here at the mall, we sell all kinds of things for that special day in February! Come here to buy that special lingerie that you’ll only use once because its really uncomfortable anyways!
“PURE MAGNETISM” You should always be attracting men, and if you don’t, that is what you should strive for. So buying things, here at the mall, will get you closer to that!
IF YOU’RE A YOUNG WOMAN, YOU’RE SUPPOSE HAVE A BABY Or you probably have one, but if you don’t, you should at least want one.
GETTING A GIFT CARD WILL MAKE YOU A HAPPY PERSON A gift certificate to the mall can make any lady happy. Why not? Of course, you can find anything you could ever want or need at the mall, so why have real money, have mall money.
LET US TAKE YOUR JACKET OFF YOUR HANDS, SO YOU CAN REPLACE IT WITH BAGS FROM OUR SHOPS We wouldn’t want you to by less things because you have things you already own in your hands! You need more, you always need more and for this shopping trip, at least as much as you can carry.
IF YOU DON’T HAVE TIME TO SPEND YOUR MONEY, WE’LL SPEND IT FOR YOU! If you can’t make it here, don’t worry, we have someone who can spend you’re money for you! And you need this, because god forbid you fall behind on the trends because you can’t make it to the mall!
YOUR OWN TASTES AND PREFERENCES ARE INADEQUATE And if style and beauty is not your thing? Well, wait a minute, it needs to be. So if you don’t know anything about fashion, we can offer you someone to tell you what you’re suppose to like.
SHOP HERE AND YOU’LL GET A BOYFRIEND Now, if you’re single, which you should’nt be by the way, you can shop at aeropostale. The clothes will make you look so great that you’ll definitely get a boyfriend.
…AND YOU’LL BE SO HAPPY Having a boyfriend will make you happy, and Aeropostale will get you a boyfriend so Aeropostale will make you happy!
BUT WE DON’T FORGET ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT, We care about the environement and so should you. But don’t think about whether all the vendors in our establishment are ethical or have ethical ways of doing business.
OR THE COMMUNITY, BECAUSE WE ARE GOOD PEOPLE HERE, YOU SHOULD BE TOO. You don’t have to feel guilty about spending all this money on yourself when you don’t need it! Throw a penny into the fountain, you’re doing a good thing and being a good person, don’t think about the money you’re wasting here!
FINALLY, YOU SHOULD HAVE FACEBOOK because you’re not a real person if you don’t have Facebook.