Introduction The role of employment in transmitting the benefit of growth to poverty reduction, the common ground for the two sets of studies
A summary of country experience Growth, Distribution, Employment and Poverty Patterns of Employment Growth
What do the UNDP case studies say about the role of macroeconomic policies in determining the rate and character of growth?
What do the ILO/SIDA case studies say about the determinants and consequences of employment intensity of economic growth?
Concluding observations Suggested avenues for further work
Table 1 Basic features of the countries Note: These data are from the World Development Indicators, 2004 and These are not necessarily the same as the data shown in the case studies. PPP$ income estimates are often based on indirect methods. Gini ratios are for per capita (consumption) expenditure distribution. Poverty indices are based on poverty thresholds defined in terms of per capita daily expenditure of 1.08 PPP$ “at 1993 prices”. The gap index of poverty is the proportionate poverty gap, which is the product of the headcount ratio and the average of the proportions by which the incomes of the poor fall below the poverty threshold.
Table 2 Basic features of performance in growth, distribution, employment and poverty Note: * means these are based on guess or data from outside the case studies.
Table 3 Cause of slow employment growth Note: GOEE is gross output elasticity of employment.