Due Diligence – Risk Management in STS The onlineSTS.net concept
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Facts & Constrains Facts Constrains What are the facts & Constrains in STS Operations ??
Facts & Constrains Facts Constrains 1. STS at Master’s discretion 2. Latest OCIMF Guidelines 3. STS Plan 1. Clearance consent 2. Commercial Interest 3. Safety & Environment 4. Time is money………
Principal Concerns from Tanker operators
Who has a contract with whom ?? Liabilities in STS Operations The Discharging Ship
Who has a contract with whom ?? Liabilities in STS Operations The Discharging Ship The receiving Ship
Who has a contract with whom ?? Liabilities in STS Operations The Discharging Ship The receiving Ship The Service Provider
Who has a contract with whom ?? Liabilities in STS Operations The Discharging Ship The receiving Ship The Service Provider
Who has a contract with whom ?? Liabilities in STS Operations The Discharging Ship The receiving Ship The Service Provider
Where is the Contract ??? A Discharging Ship A Receiving Ship A Service Provider Charterer/ Cargo Owner Liabilities in STS Operations
A safe STS Operation does not rely on a contract, but on DUE DILIGENCE …………… DUE DILIGENCE requires: Expertise-Experience from shore and crew Access to Information resources that allow for proper evaluation of casual factors Past STS Record Assessments Understanding of Liabilities, Exposures Knowledge in supporting Reputation and Risk Mitigating issues Liabilities in STS Operations
3.Justified RISK Assessment 2.The Master is ALWAYS responsible for SAFETY 6.Contractual issues 5.There are unknown Factors for the MASTER 4.Limited Experience in assessing Hazards What is the Problem for a Tanker Operator in STS Operations ? Tanker Operators have to ENSURE safety and Participating vessel COMPLIANCE when planning an STS Operation. 1.Responsibility towards ensuring SAFETY
3.Justified RISK Assessment 2.The Master is ALWAYS responsible for SAFETY 6.Contractual issues 5.There are unknown Factors for the MASTER 4.Limited Experience in assessing Hazards What is the Problem for a Tanker Operator in STS Operations ? Both Masters are Responsible for Safety, and such responsibility should not be compromised by actions of others (3 rd Parties) 1.Responsibility towards ensuring SAFETY 2.The Master is ALWAYS responsible for SAFETY
3.Justified RISK Assessment 2.The Master is ALWAYS responsible for SAFETY 6.Contractual issues 5.There are unknown Factors for the MASTER 4.Limited Experience in assessing Hazards What is the Problem for a Tanker Operator in STS Operations ? Each Tanker Operator and their Masters have to perform the proper and detail planning A Justified Risk Assessment Introduce Risk Mitigating Measures. Each Tanker Operator and their Masters have to perform the proper and detail planning A Justified Risk Assessment Introduce Risk Mitigating Measures. 1.Responsibility towards ensuring SAFETY 3.Justified RISK Assessment 2.The Master is ALWAYS responsible for SAFETY
3.Justified RISK Assessment 2.The Master is ALWAYS responsible for SAFETY 6.Contractual issues 5.There are unknown Factors for the MASTER 4.Limited Experience in assessing Hazards What is the Problem for a Tanker Operator in STS Operations ? The Risk Assessment requires data associated to Hazards that might be unknown to the Master. 1.Responsibility towards ensuring SAFETY 3.Justified RISK Assessment 2.The Master is ALWAYS responsible for SAFETY 4.Limited Experience in assessing Hazards
What is the Problem for a Tanker Operator in STS Operations ? Each Master deals with a second vessel (with unknown STS experience) and with the Service Provider (with unknown level of quality policies). Therefore the competence of third parties is an unknown factor. 3.Justified RISK Assessment 2.The Master is ALWAYS responsible for SAFETY 6.Contractual issues 5.There are unknown Factors for the MASTER 4.Limited Experience in assessing Hazards 1.Responsibility towards ensuring SAFETY 3.Justified RISK Assessment 2.The Master is ALWAYS responsible for SAFETY 5.There are unknown Factors for the MASTER 4.Limited Experience in assessing Hazards
What is the Problem for a Tanker Operator in STS Operations ? 1.Responsibility towards ensuring SAFETY 3.Justified RISK Assessment 2.The Master is ALWAYS responsible for SAFETY 6.Contractual issues 5.There are unknown Factors for the MASTER 4.Limited Experience in assessing Hazards There is no contract between participants, therefore the only way to ensure safety is through due diligence. 3.Justified RISK Assessment 2.The Master is ALWAYS responsible for SAFETY 6.Contractual issues 5.There are unknown Factors for the MASTER 4.Limited Experience in assessing Hazards
What is the Problem for a Tanker Operator in STS Operations ? Establishing Ship-To-Ship Policies & Procedures Standardization Ensuring Goals Self Assessment Establishing Ship-To-Ship Policies & Procedures Standardization Ensuring Goals Self Assessment 1.Responsibility towards ensuring SAFETY 3.Justified RISK Assessment 2.The Master is ALWAYS responsible for SAFETY 6.Contractual issues 5.There are unknown Factors for the MASTER 4.Limited Experience in assessing Hazards
Industry Guidelines Industry Guidelines Statutory requirements ISM & TMSA Best practices ISM & TMSA Best practices Insurance Policies Background ISO 9001 by LRQA Commercial Issues
STS Operation Assessment of STS operation STS Experience Decision on Vessel Suitability Proper & Detailed Planning Risk Assessment STS Assessment Data Technical Support to the Master The Concept STS POLICIES & PROCEDURES
STS Operation Assessment of STS operation STS Experience Decision on Vessel Suitability Proper & Detailed Planning Risk Assessment STS Assessment Data Technical Support to the Master The Concept STS POLICIES & PROCEDURES Limited Experience Limited Data Unclear Procedures
STS Operation Assessment of STS operation STS Experience Decision on Vessel Suitability Proper & Detailed Planning Risk Assessment STS Assessment Data Technical Support to the Master The Concept Limited Experience Limited Data Unclear Procedures STS Experience Clear & Unified Procedures
STS Operation Assessment of STS operation STS Experience Decision on Vessel Suitability Proper & Detailed Planning Risk Assessment Technical Support to the Master The Concept STS Assessment Data STS Experience OSIS Participating Vessels Service Providers POAC (Mooring Masters) Crew Experience STS Locations Incidents & Near Misses Lessons Learned OSIS Participating Vessels Service Providers POAC (Mooring Masters) Crew Experience STS Locations Incidents & Near Misses Lessons Learned
Clear & Unified Procedures STS Operation Assessment of STS operation STS Experience Decision on Vessel Suitability Proper & Detailed Planning Risk Assessment Technical Support to the Master Principles OSIS STS Experience OSIS Participating Vessels Service Providers POAC (Mooring Masters) Crew Experience STS Locations Incidents & Near Misses Lessons Learned OSIS Participating Vessels Service Providers POAC (Mooring Masters) Crew Experience STS Locations Incidents & Near Misses Lessons Learned
Principles OSIS STS Experience The Master has the authority and knowledge to provide his assessment with respect to: Participating vessel performance POAC Performance Fenders- hoses Location The Master has the authority and knowledge to provide his assessment with respect to: Participating vessel performance POAC Performance Fenders- hoses Location 1. The assessor is the MASTER
Principles OSIS STS Experience 1. The assessor is the MASTER The Master has received training on the assessment procedure prior providing assessments 2. Training
Principles OSIS STS Experience 1. The assessor is the MASTER 2. Training Each Tanker Operator has access to his own data. Consolidated statistical data for specific vessel, POAC, Service Provider, STS Location are provided only upon request for the purpose of specific STS operation. Each Tanker Operator has access to his own data. Consolidated statistical data for specific vessel, POAC, Service Provider, STS Location are provided only upon request for the purpose of specific STS operation. 3. Confidentiality
Principles OSIS STS Experience 1. The assessor is the MASTER 2. Training 3. Confidentiality All data are verified for: Consistency Justified Opinion After verification, assessments are logged into the database All data are verified for: Consistency Justified Opinion After verification, assessments are logged into the database 4. Verification
Principles OSIS STS Experience 1. The assessor is the MASTER 2. Training 3. Confidentiality 4. Verification All assessed parties are being informed of their assessment and have the option to revert with their comments which is recorder to OSIS 5. Notification to assessed parties
Screening Procedure 1. Standardized Procedures 2. Audited on an annual basis
1. STS Policies for Tanker Operators Screening & Risk assessment Procedure 2. Clearance of nominated vessel 3. Risk Assessment 4. Assessment of Service Provider Location – Vessel – Fenders – Rolling – (Weather) POAC – Fenders – Hoses – Past Performance stats 5. Post Assessment by Masters Verification of Post assessments Log of Post Assessments at OSIS Notification to assessed Parties Phase 1 Phase 2
1. STS Policies for Tanker Operators Screening & Risk assessment Procedure 2. Clearance of nominated vessel 3. Risk Assessment 4. Assessment of Service Provider Location – Vessel – Fenders – Rolling – (Weather) POAC – Fenders – Hoses – Past Performance stats 5. Post Assessment by Masters Verification of Post assessments Log of Post Assessments at OSIS Notification to assessed Parties Phase 1 Phase 2 Transparent and Standardized Procedures
onlineSTS.net members act with due diligence on each STS operation They follow Screening Policies and Procedures according to onlineSTS.net principles 1. Policies and Procedures 2. Enhanced Risk Assessment 3. Proper and detailed Planning 4. Third Party Evaluation 5. STS Self Assessment 6. Due diligence towards 3 rd parties 7. STS Experience
2. Enhanced Risk Assessment 3. Proper and detailed Planning 4. Third Party Evaluation 5. STS Self Assessment 6. Due diligence towards 3 rd parties 7. STS Experience onlineSTS.net members act with due diligence on each STS operation Participate at OSIS and enrich their risk assessment from enhanced STS experience from all members 1. Policies and Procedures 2. Enhanced Risk Assessment
3. Proper and detailed Planning 4. Third Party Evaluation 5. STS Self Assessment 6. Due diligence towards 3 rd parties 7. STS Experience onlineSTS.net members act with due diligence on each STS operation They support their Masters with technical advice 1. Policies and Procedures 2. Enhanced Risk Assessment 3. Proper and detailed Planning
2. Enhanced Risk Assessment 3. Proper and detailed Planning 4. Third Party Evaluation 5. STS Self Assessment 6. Due diligence towards 3 rd parties 7. STS Experience onlineSTS.net members act with due diligence on each STS operation They request to be assessed from the participating vessel’s Master after the completion of the STS operation 1. Policies and Procedures 2. Enhanced Risk Assessment 3. Proper and detailed Planning 4. Third Party Evaluation
2. Enhanced Risk Assessment 3. Proper and detailed Planning 4. Third Party Evaluation 5. STS Self Assessment 6. Due diligence towards 3 rd parties 7. STS Experience onlineSTS.net members act with due diligence on each STS operation They have developed a self assessment scheme according to onlineSTS.net principles 1. Policies and Procedures 2. Enhanced Risk Assessment 3. Proper and detailed Planning 4. Third Party Evaluation 5. STS Self Assessment
2. Enhanced Risk Assessment 3. Proper and detailed Planning 4. Third Party Evaluation 5. STS Self Assessment 6. Due diligence towards 3 rd parties 7. STS Experience onlineSTS.net members act with due diligence on each STS operation They audit STS Service Providers and POAC 1. Policies and Procedures 2. Enhanced Risk Assessment 3. Proper and detailed Planning 4. Third Party Evaluation 5. STS Self Assessment 6. Due diligence towards 3 rd parties
2. Enhanced Risk Assessment 3. Proper and detailed Planning 4. Third Party Evaluation 5. STS Self Assessment 6. Due diligence towards 3 rd parties 7. STS Experience onlineSTS.net members act with due diligence on each STS operation STS experience becomes an asset to their organization 1. Policies and Procedures 2. Enhanced Risk Assessment 3. Proper and detailed Planning 4. Third Party Evaluation 5. STS Self Assessment 6. Due diligence towards 3 rd parties 7. STS Experience
onlineSTS.net members act with due diligence on each STS operation 1. Policies and Procedures 2. Enhanced Risk Assessment 3. Proper and detailed Planning 4. Third Party Evaluation 5. STS Self Assessment 6. Due diligence towards 3 rd parties 7. STS Experience QUALITY of adopted Policies & Procedures with respect to STS, towards ensuring SAFETY. The data are of “first hand” Objective Unbiased QUALITY of adopted Policies & Procedures with respect to STS, towards ensuring SAFETY. The data are of “first hand” Objective Unbiased
Statistics – OSIS Locations
GR UK SIN BE CY EG KW DE IN NI FR PO DE NO UAE BR USA IT 86 Participant Companies 755 vessels 86 Participant Companies 755 vessels 39 Member Companies 718 vessels 71 million DWT Total 39 Member Companies 718 vessels 71 million DWT Total CL SPECIAL THANKS - TANKER OPERATORS Members & Participants
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