Hannah Ebelhar Autobiography
During my time in design class, I’ve learned so many different things about design that I don’t really look at products just being simple and easy, but as more complex works of art. The time and effort that regular people but into building and coming up with detailed ideas that took time and pressure. Simple things like a toothbrush get my attention now and as big as my laptop make me wonder how it was put together and how it was approached in the design world. With my first 10 pictures, I used the big things in my life just throwing them together and making them as an “on-the-go type of theme. But now that I’ve got a little more knowledge about the design process, I can dig deeper into my life and pull out different aspects I never thought about until being in this design class.
The theme I had for my first 10 picture of myself for the Museum of You were.. The theme with this Group of pictures was To emphasize the Importance In my life of the average College student and the On the go lifestyle that Most of us have in our Everyday lives here on Campus.
My next ten pictures are more focused on the way that they were designed and how the design had the people in mind. Consumerism is in my opinion the biggest factor in the design features because they want to sell and make profit but also need their products to be appealing to the consumer. If the consumer sees all the products with cool designs and cool features, they are most likely going to buy the product that they like. These photos show more of how I live and base my likes and interest off of. In my opinion, you don’t need to spend a lot of money on things that you know you aren;t going to use a year down the line but out your money in to things that you actually will get your worth out of.
In these next pictures, it shows the living area that I actually live in and the above photo of what the area looks like. At first I never really understood why the buildings were built the way they are but then as I started the design class and learned more about the way that things were built it started to make me think. As I though I looked at the above picture and noticed that everything on the buildings were connected and then it hit me. With it being a college campus, all these campus dorm buildings were all connected to bring people together and have more interactions with each other and become friends. With the fan model, clear tuperwear and the dorm layout you can kind of see that I don’t actually have a ton of space to live in so when buying dorm room supplies, I had to make it slim and simplistic to my needs. When I think of fans, I think of big clunky things but as time has went on and things have gotten sleeker, so has the fans and everything else. Things like the fan can be completely redesigned into something that is small and takes up barely and space at all. Also, in my opinion the coolest thing that I like to see is new things that can make my life and dorm room more neat and one thing I love is the hanging shoe organizer and stacked drawers. It takes something that can hold literally so much stuff and compact it into something that takes up very little space.
In those pictures, its how I pretty much control my everyday life. I feel like that now designers go out into the real world and actually give the consumers what they want and need. They design their products around the people. With the iPhone charger, I think that they made it smaller and sleek so it would be just as cool as the actual iPhone and the new chargers actually take up less space and are compacted rather then bulky. Also, the cross body bad is something that I actually own myself and they just started becoming more and more popular in the last few years to the younger aged kids because they are so compacted instead of the average clunky purses that we used to carry. They are more popular now and they make them so they only fit the things you really actually need. When it comes to living in a compact space, the things I said because come in handy, but two other things I love and are actually pretty cool are the mini fridge an the neat pod detergents. The mini fridge has all the same concepts of the normal sized one, just compact and more usable in the life that I live. Also the new pod detergents are nice also, they come in a tiny little package that fits in the palm of your hand. Now doing laundry is a breeze especially not having to carry an oversized bottle up and down 6 flights of stairs to clean clothes. All of the things I have now are looked at so much different and in a new light then ever before because of this design class. My “things” aren’t things anymore, they are hard work that someone put together to make my life a little bit easier and that shows how design appeals to consumerism and the actually people.