Tato prezentace je hrazena z projektu: Spolupráce s partnery – základ kvalitní odborné výuky Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.1.01/
A Building of the Czech Post by David Cabejšek, Tomáš Chytka ve školním roce 2011/2012
History ► The building of a post office was built by an architect Rudolf Wolf in ► This new building replaced the original one in Gottwald´s Square and became was one of three main post offices which were located in Třebíč. ► Earlier, in 1897, another post office was built in the area of a shoe factory in Borovina. ► A third post office was put into operation in Engelsova Street in 1963.
► In a two-storey house there were except a post office also a telegraph and a telegraph exchange. ► In the telegraph exchange there worked 22 people. ► The first operator was a rich burgher and businessman Karel Fundulus.
Architecture ► A so-called columbine is situated on the ground floor on the left from the main entrance. It is above the ledge between the third and fourth window. ► On the shield below the symbol there always used to be a bilingual name of the office, in this case it was: a CK post office, a telegraph and a telephone office. ► The building still has only two floors. ► Among interesting architectural elements belong so-called caryatids (small sculptures of naked women that can be found between windows) ► On the corner there is a roof in the shape of a tower. ► Significant elements called pediments are located above the windows.
pic. Period view from the Catholic Grammar School.
pic. The current view from the Catholic Grammar School..
pic. Period view on the front side of the building.
pic. Today's view on the front side of the building.
pic. Period and contemporary view on a corner building dome
Pic. Period and contemporary view from Charles Square
Pic. The back of the building
Pic. View from the beginning of the construction
Pic. Details of caryatids and frontons located above windows
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