Ancient Chinese Inventions By Jeffrey Nass
Introduction You are in ancient China, you see the Chinese inventing so many useful things. Are you going to thank them? Yes, we should thank the Chinese. Read this article to learn some of the ancient Chinese inventions.
Papermaking Papermaking is the greatest invention of ancient china. Read this article to learn more about papermaking. Papermaking began over 100 years ago. The paper pulp was dried on farms. We should thank the Chinese the most for this invention. Without this invention we would not have paper, cardboard, and many other things.
Gunpowder Gunpowder is the 3 rd greatest invention of ancient china. Find out more in the article. Gunpowder is used for a lot of things. For fireworks they used gunpowder as the lighting. The gunpowder is used in bombs for the bombs to blow up.up. We would not have survived wars without guns and gunpowder. Black powder is made from Charcoal, Potassium (Metal Soft Chemicals) and sulfur (Non- Metal Chemicals.)
Compass The compass is a great tool for hikes. Read the rest of this article to find out. The compass is used for hikes. The first compass needle was a soup spoon. The base of the compass was a black square with ancient Chinese designs. So if you find one of these inventions remember to thank the Chinese!