What are some professions that use math? Hmmm… An Interactive PowerPoint for 9 th Grade Math I Designed by Jennifer Grant
Introduction Introduction Task Task Process Process ◦ Recap Recap Resources Resources Evaluation Evaluation Conclusion Conclusion Teacher Page Teacher Page
You are a detective on a quest to answer the one question that just about every math student either thinks or asks: “Where will I use this stuff?” Your mission is to find the answer so that you can share it with the world. They’re counting on you! You might be surprised at how many people need math in their lives.
Your task is to research 3 professions that use mathematics. Try to choose professions that are of interest to you (this doesn’t mean that it has to be something that you want to be when you grow up, but that it sounds interesting nevertheless). You will be using the Web to research the professions.
1. You will work in groups of 3 (assigned by the teacher). Each person will find 3 professions from the links provided on page 7 that use math and turn in a paper with a description of the profession and how it uses math. 2. Out of the 3 professions that you found, choose your favorite one to present to the class. You will present as a group and must use at least one visual aid (Poster, PowerPoint, Skit, etc.) You will be graded as a group for the presentation and individually for the written report.
1. Research 3 professions that use math. 2. Write a paper that describes each of the 3 professions and how they use math. At the end of the paper, write a reflection on the information that you found. (For example, did it surprise you, etc.) 3. Choose your favorite one out of the three that you found. Compile yours with your group members and create a visual aid to use for presenting.
Use the following links to research professions. Find professions that are of interest to you! s.html s.html ml ml BrowseResourcesAccessible.php?ParentId=183 BrowseResourcesAccessible.php?ParentId=183 careers/profiles/index.html careers/profiles/index.html
Rubric Attached WebQuest Rubric on Word.doc WebQuest Rubric on Word.doc
Wow! Who would have thought that so many professions use mathematics? Were you surprised by anything that you found? It’s obvious that math is an essential subject to be learned and that it will be used later in life in some form or another. We really do need math. So whether you hate math, like math, or love math, you have to DO math!
This lesson is about professions that use mathematics. Some students feel that they really don’t need math. They see it as a waste of time and as something that they don’t want to spend their time and effort learning. Lesson Objectives: ◦ Students will research 3 professions of interest to them that use mathematics. ◦ Students will be made aware that math really is worthwhile and is used in everyday life.