Timberline High School Senior Registration
Your Timberline Counselors Laura Cromwell: A-F Scott Warnock: G-M Lisa Ennis: N-Z and AVID Craig Arnzen: College and Career
NEWSLETTER/COURSE CODES Refer to Newsletter for various elective choices Use Course Code sheet on back of Newsletter when selecting classes Pick up applications for Release Period or Student Aide positions if necessary Utilize Timberline Counseling website for descriptions of various classes
Graduation Requirements *English8 *Speech1 *Math (must take math senior year)6 *Science (Physical Science and Biology)6 *Health1 *U.S. History 9: American Hist. To *U.S. History 11: American Hist. Since *American Government2 *Economics1 Critical Reading/Writing1 Physical Education2 Electives 16 Total Credits48 (College Requirement) *CORE Classes (must have “C” average) College Entrance Exam = SAT spring of junior year
Course Registration Complete schedule will be 14 course units (seven first semester, seven second semester). 16 course units with zero hour class. You need 2 credits of math senior year!! Math teachers will be making course recommendations. Consider math Seminar class for elective credit and extra math help, Seminar is NOT your senior math class! Summer school information will be available around spring break Physical Education options: –1120 A/B: Physical Ed 9-12 –1120A7/B7: Personal Fitness –1121 A/B: Accelerated Phy. Ed. (weight training) –1121A0/B0: Accelerated Phy. Ed. (zero hour) Please select 2-3 alternates and choose wisely!!!!
Online Registration Student Access Username Grad year + –Ex: Password –Initials (in caps) + 6-digit Birthday –Ex: NB
Sr. High Registration Dates Online registration (with any applications) needs to be completed by Feb. 27 th !!!