Field Action Activity By Angela, Carlotta, Dimitris, and Leah
Aim To invite the public to reflect on our environmental issues and to encourage them to act upon it We want to inform the public about COP21 and to encourage them to take action We want to learn about our interviewee’s backgrounds and how they grew up in relation to eco-friendly habits
Method Inviting the public to watch a 2 minute United Nations Environmental Awareness video Interviewing the person and trying to learn as much as they will allow regarding their environmental habits and wishes to come
Questions How did the video make you feel? Have you ever heard of COP21? Do you consider yourself an eco-friendly person? How do you think you can shape today’s society into being more eco-friendly? Do you think the city you live in contributes to living more sustainably? How did you grow up concerning recycling, environmental awareness, etc?
Responses Many people were unaware of what COP21 was People claimed that there was a lack of advertisement There was diversity with education, backgrounds, and culture Most people are aware that they can make a change individually (public transportation, recycling, etc. Many people agreed if the government imposed new regulations they would obey Afraid for the next generation and were shocked by the video Believed there is hope for the future
Outcomes Raised awareness of COP21 Viewers thought the video was empowering and inspirational Motivated people to see that a younger generation was so informed and willing to take part in the environmental crisis Successfully attracted many viewers to our project even though many didn’t want to speak Affected a wide audience (nationality, age, awareness, etc.) by putting ourselves out there