1 Injecting W-band power (from Gunn oscillator) into QUIET receiver module KEK and Fermilab Collaborating at Lab 3 Status of QUIET-II at Fermilab Fritz DeJongh, Scott Dodelson, Donna Kubik, Hogan Nguyen, Albert Stebbins FCPA Retreat May 13 th, 2011
2 QUIET-I Highlights Announcement of Q-band (40 GHz) Result Fermilab Wine & Cheese A. Kusaka March 4 th sigma detection of EE peak at 1.2 degree angular scale (confirms BICEP with less data, at different freq) See 3σ evidence of Synchroton Foreground in a supposedly clean patch of sky Limit on B mode (r < 2.2) Lowest published systematics (r sys ~ 0.1)
3 QUIET-I Highlights (with Emphasis on Fermilab) Large Sparse Wire Grid Concept for channel-to-channel calibration and gain tracking worked very well. Important tool for monitoring W-band detector performance. W-band Data Analysis Detector Noise Monitoring (Kubik) Detector Calibration using Moon Signal (Nguyen)
4 Main QUIET-II Detector R&D Program Goal: Maximize Raw Sensitivity Figure of Merit (to good approximation): Receiver Noise Sensitivity [K-sec 1/2 ] = Temperature [K] (Bandwidth [Hz]) 1/2 or equivalently White Noise Sensitivity [K-sec 1/2 ] = [mV - sec 1/2 ] Gain [mV/K] W-band Noise Per Module Quiet I 500 μK-sec 1/2 Quiet-II (goal) 200 μK-sec 1/2
5 QUIET 1 Module in Cryostat at Lab 3 * This module didn’t pass quality cuts. Was not installed in QUIET-I array.
6 Black Body Temperature (Kelvins) 6 First Receiver Noise Temperature Measurement at Fermilab (a.k.a. Y-factor Measurement) Detector Output (arbitrary units) Different Amplifier Gain Settings Good Agreement with Caltech-JPL Measurements Receiver Noise Temperature appears to be in good control for this chip design.
7 First Sensitivity Measurements at Fermilab (KEK + Fermilab) Sensitivity ~ 1.75 mK-sec 1/2 * This module failed other quality cuts... was not installed into QUIET-1 array Noise Power Spectrum (1/f noise has been cancelled) Frequency [Hz] Frequency Noise Power
8 Maximizing the Module Sensitivity Replace Lossy Passive Planar RF Structures with Pure Waveguide Reduce 1 st Amplifier’s Noise to ~ 50K, and increase BW 0.75mm 0.25 mm Improve DC Amplifiers down stream of Detector Diodes (RF DC converter)
9 QUIET-II Module New Design Component Design and Fabrication Caltech/JPL Manchester SLAC/Stanford Fermilab Electronics KEK and Chicago Testing CIT, KEK, Chicago/Fermilab Detector Diode Housing provided by Fermilab (RF DC converter) Prototype for QUIET-II
10 Towards QUIET-II The death of Bruce Winstein was a huge loss. QUIET-II proposal was turned down by NSF. Cost of ~$20M is main issue. Funding for QUIET-II R&D to improve modules and reduce cost. - KECK Space Science Institute grant to fund Caltech Cahill Lab - Stanford (2 nd year of NSF ATI Grant) - Foreign Contributions ( KEK and Manchester) - Caltech-led NSF-ATI Grant was turned down in April Chicago PFC Proposal (contains funding for HEMT R&D) is awaiting final decision. - Fermilab KA13 (0.2 FTE) and KA15 (0.5 FTE and M&S) PI’s are meeting in late May at JPL. Topics for discussion: - When to resubmit for Phase II - New Spokesperson - Possible low-cost intermediate experiment before Phase II.