Course Preview Class Term 1 = 5 Meetings (March 19, 26, April 2, 9, 16) Class Term 2 = 5 Meetings (April 30, May 7, 14, 21, 28) Class Term 3 = 4 Meetings (June 4, 11, 8, 25, July 2) Class Term 4 = 4 Meetings (July 2, 9, 16, 23) Class Term 5 = 4 Meetings (July 30, Sept 3, 10, 17) Total Meeting = 22 Meetings
Course Preview Each Meeting = + 2 Hours No Evaluation/ No Test No Individual Score but Individual Direct Review Prepare your own Phrase Book!!! (notebook) Teaching = in a team
Course Syllabus 1.Report in English and Speech (Roll Call) 2.At the Airport (Immigration Counter) 3.Negotiation Skills 4.At the Meeting/ Convention/ Conference 5.Correspondences (Letters/ ) 6.Gambits 7.Flow Chart/ Presentation/ Statistics/ Diagram 8.Debate/ Sharing/ Discussion/ Problem Solving 9.Picture Talk 10.Interviewing/ Interrogating Skills 11.Explaining Regulations/ Rules/ Directions/ Steps 12.Listening for Specific Purpose
Methods Pair work Group work Individual work TBL ABL PPP Role Play
Targets 1.We are confident and active in Speaking in public i.e. speech, roll call 2.We are able to Communicate in English 3.At least, We know how to speak naturally and be familiar in Conversation 4.We master the English Skills Finally
Review/ Evaluating Grammar Vocabulary/ Terminology Pronunciation/ How to Say it Writing/ Spelling Listening
To Refresh Game Quiz Puzzle