PAC37 Charge 1 1.) Review new proposals, previously conditionally approved proposals, and letters of intent † † for experiments that will utilize the 12 GeV upgrade of CEBAF and provide advice on their scientific merit, technical feasibility and resource requirements. Identify proposals with high-quality physics that, based on what we know today, are of sufficient scientific merit that they will be included in the top half of the priority list to be established for the first 5 years of 12 GeV operations and recommend for approval. Identify other proposals with physics that have the potential for falling into this category pending clarification of scientific and/or technical issues and recommend for conditional approval. Provide comments on technical and scientific issues that should be addressed by the proponents prior to review at a future PAC. † † Letters of intent will be given the same “rights” to their scientific ideas as are currently afforded to deferred experiments
Conditional Approval 2 Two types: C1 – approval pending technical review, no need to return to PAC C2 - approval pending further review by future PAC
PAC37 Charge (cont’d) 3 2.) For the 12 GeV program category “Low-energy tests of the Standard Model and Fundamental Symmetries”, review previously approved proposals (including those recommended for approval at this PAC meeting under charge element 1) and recommend a scientific rating and beamtime allocation. The grading should be consistent with the well-established “scale” used for the scientific priorities in the past at Jefferson Lab.
“Grading” Session I 4 Monday afternoon
“Grading” Session II 5 Tuesday morning
Remainder of sessions 6 Tues. afternoon: The Hadron spectra as probes of QCD (1 prop.) The longitudinal structure of the hadrons (1 prop.) Wed. morning: The transverse structure of the hadrons (3 prop.) Wed. afternoon: Hadrons and cold nuclear matter (3 prop.) Thurs. morning: The 3D structure of the hadrons (4 prop.) Note: no rating or beamtime allocation Thurs. afternoon: LOI’s
12 GeV Approved Experiments by Physics Topics TopicHall AHall BHall CHall DTotal The Hadron spectra as probes of QCD (rated) (GluEx and heavy baryon and meson spectroscopy) 1 1 The transverse struture of the hadrons (rated) (Elastic and transition Form Factors)422 8 The longitudinal structure of the hadrons (rated) (Unpolarized and polarized parton distribution functions)124 7 The 3D structure of the hadrons (unrated) (Generalized Parton Distributions and Transverse Momentum Distributions) Hadrons and cold nuclear matter (rated) (Medium modification of the nucleons, quark hadronization, N-N correlations, hypernuclear spectroscopy, few-body experiments)124 7 Low-energy tests of the Standard Model and Fundamental Symmetries (to be rated at PAC 37)2 1 3 TOTAL
12 GeV Approved Experiments by PAC Days TopicHall AHall BHall CHall DTotal The Hadron spectra as probes of QCD (rated) (GluEx and heavy baryon and meson spectroscopy) 120 The transverse structure of the hadrons (rated) (Elastic and transition Form Factors) The longitudinal structure of the hadrons (rated) (Unpolarized and polarized parton distribution functions) The 3D structure of the hadrons (unrated) (Generalized Parton Distributions and Transverse Momentum Distributions)(190)(801)(80) 1071 Hadrons and cold nuclear matter (rated) (Medium modification of the nucleons, quark hadronization, N-N correlations, hypernuclear spectroscopy, few-body experiments) Low-energy tests of the Standard Model and Fundamental Symmetries (to be rated at PAC 37)(592) (88) 680 TOTAL
Approved Experiments ProposalContact PersonPhysicsEnergy (GeV) PAC days Parallel Running Run Group days Comment E Gothe, MokeevN* at high Q E (a)SabatieDVCS pol. beam1180 E Avakian ep→eπ +/-/0 X1160 E StolerDVMP in π 0,η prod L/T separation E (b)SabatieDVCS pol. target Assume polarized experimen ts run 50% of time w/ reversed field E KuhnLong. Spin Str.1180 E AvakianTMD SSA11103 E (b)HafidiPartonic SIDIS11103 E AvakianSpin-Orbit Corr E HafidiColor Trans. ρ Different nuclear targets E BrooksQuark Hadronizat.1160 E BültmanNeutron Str. Fn.1140 condition. approved E GilfoyleNeutron mag. FF /008 needs 26d reversed field E (a)HafidiPartonic SIDIS1156 E ContalbrigoBoer-Mulders w/ Kaons 1156 Total CLAS12 Hall B