By patrisha
Vegas-p/mv htm
Late teens/twenty/thirty This represents people around 18-25/30 as I don’t think someone aged above or even someone my grandmothers age would enjoy the speed of which the music is or the chosen lyrics “bruk it down” but also I don’t think the music would be acceptable for anyone in their early teens to listen to as the music is quiet raunchy and explicit and may be more influential to those of a younger age. They wouldn’t have old women dancing on this video either as its not seen to be attractive as youthfulness is seen to be more appealing. AGE
Male The song is sung by a male and his view point of woman as you can see and hear by the lyrics he thinks of women as bellow him and as play toys. In this video the male is viewed as the dominant sex as all the woman want him and his “sugar stick”. You can see that mr Vegas is dressed suited making him look sophisticated were as the girls in the video are dressed in colourful sort of playful like exposing clothing dressed more casual giving us the impression their dependant on him as their in everyday wear in comparison to mr Vegas. Even when he was not in the suit he was always more clothed than the woman. GENDER
Afro-Caribbean This song is sung by a Afro- Caribbean artist ‘Mr Vegas’. He has chosen Afro- Caribbean dancers and has made a stereotypical Afro- Caribbean song therefore it very much so conforms to the afro- Caribbean stereo type. Voluptuous, curvatious, provocative and revealing. Genre of this piece is called bashment. Which is not only a music genre but they run partys/ club nights called “bashments” that people of mostly afro- Caribbean origin but also other ethnicities may attend to where they play music like this,reggae and lovers rock etc. ETHNICITY
Heterosexual In the video Caribbean people are very much Anti gay anti lesbian and believe if your not heterosexual your not normal and its not accepted. People get discriminated and in some cases killed for their sexuality. This video appeals to the male audience as theirs a lot of girls in the video dancing provocatively. This may give women the idea that they have to depend on men an sort of moulds their audiences views on woman making women feel less worthy as if they would have too have less self respect to get attention from the male sex and it also gives men the idea that they don’t really need to try to get the girl as they just expect them to come running to them because of the ideas artists in bashment such ass mr vegas gives across. SEXUALITY
Working class or below People would automatically assume due to the way the woman dance and the lyrics of this song sound to an extent of what an uneducated person would say they would think this type of sound would be listened to by the working class or even of that below because they assume that anyone of a higher class would disapprove of this type of music and would think of it as below them. SOCIAL CLASS
Although mr vegas puts girls down in his song he builds a contrast as he made a song called “heads high” Encouraging girls to be more sophisticated and independent, telling them to keep their heads high and don’t just do what men want. The girls are still dressed revealing but this time they seem more like a tease than a sex object due to the lyrics of the song.