BIOL 2401 Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology LAB Spring, 2014 Mrs. Willie Grant, Instructor (210)
Attendance Attendance in lab classes is important. Students can only miss a total of four (4) classes—lectures and labs in any combinations. Students who exceed this number will be dropped. The first week of class (Saturday) is important. Students who do not attend the first week of class will be dropped. Students should come to each lecture and lab to ensure success in this class.
Lab Notes We use Lab Notes for the lab. If you bought your textbook at the bookstore, they came bundled with the textbook. If you need Lab Notes, they are available online. You should bring your Lab Notes and textbook to lab each week.
Lab Classroom and Model Maintenance At the beginning and end of each lab class, the lab tables should be empty. Please return the models to their correct places in the cabinets. Use the wooden sticks for pointing.
Testing There will be five (5) Lab Exams this semester. The test is divided into stations. There may be between 50 and 75 questions. The event is timed (two minutes per station). There are NO BONUS points allowed for the lab class and grades will not be curved. Each student will be allowed one (1) make-up exam for the entire semester (with permission). After you complete the exam, you may leave. There will be no further lab class for that day. Cell phones should be turned off and kept out of sight during exams.
Lab Test Schedule EXAM 1 (Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)February 15, 2013 EXAM 2 (Skeletal System)March 8, 2014 EXAM 3 (Muscular System)April 5, 2014 EXAM 4 (Nervous System)April 26, 2014 EXAM 5 (Special Senses/Endocrines)May 10, 2014 This schedule is not likely to change. The lab portion of your grade is thirty (30) percent. Students should NOT miss any of the lab exams.
Lab Exams For times when you know that you cannot make the scheduled Saturday exam, you should let the instructor know so that you might schedule to take the exam earlier within the week. If you do not take the missed exam during the original week, you may take the computerized make-up exam BEFORE the next laboratory exam. NO MAKE-UP LABS WILL BE ADMINISTERED DURING THE LAST WEEK OF CLASS. Contact lab instructor to FILL OUT the proper make-up form to schedule this exam. You may NOT take the make-up exam to improve your grade on a lab exam. The comprehensive make-up exam may be used for only one missed lab exam; all other missed exams will be averaged as a “0”. For Holiday Testing, Saturday students are to take the exam at an earlier time during the exam week.
Vernier Labs On the lab class before the lab exam, we will do a Vernier lab exercise. There will be five during this semester. These labs will enhance and support the information that is presented in both lab and lecture.
Lab Study Aids The Byrd Sanctuary (Tutoring Center) offers: TUTORS: Individuals who can provide students with additional study time. DVDs: Students may purchase a DVD for $15.00 in the Burser’s Office and pick up their DVD in the Byrd Sanctuary. MODELS: The models used in the lab classes are available in the tutoring center. Students should observe the hours set by the tutoring center.
Reminders No food or drink allowed in classes. No visitors allowed in the laboratory. No cell phones in class. Absolutely no cell phones during lab exams. NO pictures should be taken with cell phones or cameras.