6 November 2003Matthew Warren - Trigger Module Update - RAL1 CALICE CERC BE-FPGA Trigger Module Update Matthew Warren University College London 6 November 2003
Matthew Warren - Trigger Module Update - RAL2 Progress BE FPGA Pin-outs - Got perl scripts to extract/compare pin-outs from netlists. - Produced quick spreadsheet FED/CERC/FED UCF pins. “SerIFace” - Robs byte feedback integrated and working - Robs Python scripts adapted and working - Packet based protocol drafted. - FPGA code for protocol works in simulation but still not quite working on dev-board. - Actual internal bus-interface not tested Became British! Put an offer in on a house in Cape Town (hence lack of progress)
6 November 2003Matthew Warren - Trigger Module Update - RAL3 SerIFace Protocol Interfaces RS232 to an A16 D32 bus 7 bytes out, 5 bytes back ALWAYS. Out = cmd, addr1, addr0, data3, data2, data1, data0 reply = cmd*, data3, data2, data1, data0 Addr0(1:0) ignored due to 32 bit bus – we could shift the bits, but 64kB is overkill anyway. Provides means of addressing modules in the cmd byte: - Could be routed in BE-FPGA, or broadcast and only have the correct module reply. Will be coupled with a BE-FPGA trigger pass-through test (When?) - Requires clock fan-out - Requires proper pin-out
6 November 2003Matthew Warren - Trigger Module Update - RAL4 SerIFace Command Byte cmd bits : OP-CODE CMD/REPLY DESTINATION OP-CODE : Reply = 000 Test 0xA110A110 ('allo 'allo!) 001 Write Write Data 010 Read 011 Read2 100 Status 101 reserved 0xDEADD0D0 110 reserved 0xDEADD0D0 111 Trigger 0xEEEEAAAA DESTINATION : 0-7 = FE Modules 8 = Trigger CMD/REPLY : 0 = Command sent from controller 1 = Reply to command (i.e. repliers change this bit)
6 November 2003Matthew Warren - Trigger Module Update - RAL5 CALICE OctNovDecJan Trigger Interface Test System Trigger Pass-through Internal/Stand Alone Funcs Main Functions VME Access Header Data Testing ZEUS, ATLAS, Holiday Schedule