S TATUS AT A GLANCE Subject to extreme climatic events, Mission is on course to achieve targeted production for rice and wheat crops, but is lagging in pulses Uptake of technologies in the districts is significantly increased as reflected in increasing use of Seeds, Machinery and Nutrients Special Programs have been started this year to strengthen and supplement Mission work New Approaches need to be planned to increase its reach and to develop better strategies for sustained production levels
I MPACT ON PRODUCTIVITY OF R ICE State<0<10>10 and <20>20(blank)Total% -ve Jharkhand TN Chhattisgarh Orissa Bihar WB AP UP Maharashtra Assam MP Gujarat 22 0 Karnataka Kerela Grand Total Productivity increase in the No. of NFSM Districts in over
I MPACT ON PRODUCTIVITY OF W HEAT State<0<10>10 and <20>20(blank)Total % -ve Rajasthan Haryana WB Maharashtra UP Bihar MP Punjab Gujarat 44 0 Grand Total Productivity increase in the No. of NFSM Districts in over
I MPACT ON P RODUCTIVITY OF P ULSES State<0<10>10 and <20>20(blank)Total % -ve MP Bihar Maharashtra Haryana Punjab AP Orissa Rajasthan UP Chhattisgarh Gujarat 11 0 Karnataka 13 0 WB Grand Total Productivity increase in the No. of NFSM Districts in over
R ELEASES UNDER NFSM( IN CRORES ) Comp onent Rice Wheat Pulses Total
E XPENDITURE FROM TO Expenditure (in crores) Compo nent Rice Wheat Pulses Total
U NSPENT BALANCES Comp onent Rice wheat Pulses Total
% P HYSICAL A CHIEVEMENTS Component Seed INM IPM/PP chemicals Machinery NFSM–Rice
% P HYSICAL A CHIEVEMENTS Component Seed INM IPM/ pp chemicals Machinery NFSM –Wheat
% P HYSICAL A CHIEVEMENTS Component Seed INM IPM/ pp chemicals Machinery-100 NFSM-Pulses
R ICE S TRATEGY A target of 100 million tons plus is kept for production of rice for the year. More than 90 % of the rice area comes under Kharif season. Hybrid rice will be promoted more aggressively for better area coverage especially in potential districts of the States of Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Odisha and West Bengal. Truthfully labelled notified hybrid varieties have also been allowed to be promoted under the schemes. Under the new initiative ‘Bringing Green Revolution to the Eastern Region’ rice is the main crop being promoted in the six States of the region namely Uttar Pradesh (Eastern part), Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Odisha and West Bengal. Aerobic Rice and Direct seeded rice would be promoted in the potential area Boro rice area would be increased in the Eastern Regional States of Assam, West Bengal, Bihar, Odisha and Eastern UP Seed minikits have been given to the farmers for the varieties recently released by IRRI that tolerate moisture stress, salt and submergence. System of rice intensification taken up by major rice producing States like Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Assam, Odisha, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand.
N EW A PPROACHES Strategy for Hybrid Rice Learning from Chinese experience of production and promotion of hybrid rice Reaching out to low capacity rice farmers Zero budget Natural Farming- Sustainable Agriculture? Subash Palekar model (RD Ministry) Promotion of SRI Inclusion of NGOs for individualized service to farmers especially for rainfed rice areas
P ULSES – N EW I NITIATIVES Strengthened NFSM Pulses Merger of ISOPOM with NFSM Development/Adaptive Research projects More area coverage Jharkhand and Assam included All the districts of ISOPOM States included Accelerated Pulses Production Program Nutrient and pest control centric Block demonstrations Involvement of NCIPM for pest surveillance Development of pulses and oilseeds villages Custom hiring of machinery in hub and spoke model Policy support MSP increased Incentive announced
S TATUS State Action plans approved for all the three initiatives Funds released under NFSM Pulses, A3P and RKVY for kharif season implementation Target of Pulses production increased by 1.5 million tons this year and kept at 16.5 million tons Intensive consultations with stakeholders Pulses Expert Group (Chaired by Dr. Y.K.Alagh) Seven sub groups finalizing reports Pulses strategy workshop Rahuri model of water use efficiency in pigeon pea crop Involvement of Private sector TATA’s m-Krishi project NCDEX spot exchange in Gulbarga Procurement operations Plan indicating procurement centres being prepared by NAFED Research and development projects from ICARDA Accession of genetic material of lentils and chick pea Lentils development in Rainfed Rice Fallows
S UM UP New Schemes and Policy measures have been taken up to improve productivity of particularly of the rice and the pulses crops Eastern Region Development is the key to ensuring food security for Rice and Pulses New approaches to implementation are needed for more assured outcomes