doc.: IEEE /0026r0 Submission January 2013 Yongho Seok, LG ElectronicsSlide 1 Security Procedure for Long Sleeper Date: Authors: NameAffiliationsAddressPhone Yongho SeokLG Electronics LG R&D Complex Anyang-Shi, Kyungki- Do, Korea Minyoung ParkIntelHillsboro, OR Jinsoo ChoiLG Electronics Jeongki KimLG Electronics Hangyu ChoLG Electronics Matthew Eric WongBroadcomSunnyvale, CA Tom TetzlaffIntel Emily QiIntel Simone MerlinQualcommSan Diego, CA Amin JafarianQualcomm Bin TianQualcomm Santosh AbrahamQualcomm Menzo WentinkQualcomm Hemanth SampathQualcomm VK jonesQualcomm
doc.: IEEE /0026r0 SubmissionSlide 2 NameAffiliationsAddressPhone Hongyuan ZhangMarvell Sudhir SrinivasaMarvell George CalcevHuaweiRolling Meadows, IL, USA m Osama Aboul MagdHuawei Young Hoon KwonHuawei Betty ZhaoHuawei David YangxunHuawei Bin ZhenHuawei ChaoChun WangMediaTek James WangMediaTek Jianhan LiuMediaTek Vish PonnampalamMediaTek James YeeMediaTek Huai-Rong Shao Samsung Electronics Chiu NgoSamsung Electronics Minho CheongETRI Jae Seung LeeETRI Hyoungjin KwonETRI Jaewoo ParkETRI Sok-kyu LeeETRI Sun, Bo ZTE Lv, Kaiying ZTE Authors: Yongho Seok, LG Electronics January 2013
doc.: IEEE /0026r0 SubmissionYongho Seok, LG ElectronicsSlide 3 Authors: NameAffiliationsAddressPhone Sayantan ChoudhuryNokia Klaus DopplerNokia Chittabrata GhoshNokia Esa TuomaalaNokia Ken MoriPanasonic Rojan ChitrakarPanasonic Haiguang WangI2R Shoukang ZhengI2R Yeow Wai LeongI2R Zander LeiI2R Jaya ShankarI2R Anh Tuan HoangI2R Joseph Teo Chee MingI2R Anna PantelidouRenesas Mobile Juho PirskanenRenesas Mobile Timo KoskelaRenesas Mobile Liwen ChuSTMicroelectronics George VlantisSTMicroelectronics January 2013
doc.: IEEE /0026r0 Submission Introduction IEEE w is a standard for supporting a protected management frame Wi-Fi Alliance also provides a certification program for the protected management frame as one of core programs –Protected Management Frames: Wi-Fi CERTIFIED WPA2 with Protected Management Frames provides a WPA2-level of protection for unicast and multicast management action frames, One of mandatory features of the protected management frame is a Security Association (SA) Query procedure January 2013 Yongho Seok, LG ElectronicsSlide 4
doc.: IEEE /0026r0 Submission Background of SA Query Procedure If an AP has a valid security association for a non-AP STA –The SME shall reject the Association Request by generating an MLME- ASSOCIATE.response primitive with ResultCode “Association request rejected temporarily; try again later.” –The SME shall include in the MLME-ASSOCIATE.response primitive a Timeout Interval element with Timeout interval type set to 3 (Association Comeback time), specifying a comeback time when the AP would be ready to accept an association with this STA. –Following this, the SME shall issue one MLME-SAQuery.request primitive addressed to the STA every dot11AssociationSAQueryRetryTimeout TUs until a matching MLME- SAQuery.confirm primitive is received or dot11AssociationSAQueryMaximumTimeout TUs from the beginning of the SA Query procedure have passed. January 2013 Yongho Seok, LG ElectronicsSlide 5
doc.: IEEE /0026r0 Submission Background of SA Query Procedure Security Association Query Procedure Example January 2013 Yongho Seok, LG ElectronicsSlide 6 AP STA Attacker Association Request Association Response SA Query Request SA Query Response Association Request Association Response AP and STA have a valid security association Result Code: “Association requested rejected temporarily: try again later.” Association Comeback Time dot11AssociationSAQuery MaximumTimeout Result Code: “Association requested rejected temporarily: try again later.”
doc.: IEEE /0026r0 Submission Background of SA Query Procedure Security Association Query Procedure Example January 2013 Yongho Seok, LG ElectronicsSlide 7 Association Comeback Time dot11AssociationSAQuery MaximumTimeout AP STA Attacker Association Request Association Response SA Query Request Association Request Association Response AP and STA have a valid security association Result Code: “Association requested rejected temporarily: try again later.” Result Code: “Success.” SA Query Request STA is recovered from a failure
doc.: IEEE /0026r0 Submission Problem Definition Low power STA may wake up with very long interval (e.g., 10 minutes) So, long sleepers may not received SA Query Request frame even though they have a valid security association –If an MLME-SAQuery.confirm primitive with an outstanding transaction identifier is not received within dot11AssociationSAQueryMaximumTimeout period, the SME shall allow the association process to be started without starting an additional SA Query procedure. dot11AssociationSAQueryMaximumTimeout specifies the number of time units (TUs) that an AP can wait, from the scheduling of the first SA Query Request to allow association process to be started without starting additional SA Query procedure if a successful SA Query Response is not received. And a default value is 1 second. January 2013 Yongho Seok, LG ElectronicsSlide 8
doc.: IEEE /0026r0 Submission Problem Definition Because STA does not reply to SA Query Request frame, an attacker can be associated with AP and it destroys the security association of the STA. January 2013 Yongho Seok, LG ElectronicsSlide 9 AP STA Attacker Association Request Association Response SA Query Request Association Request Association Response Result Code: “Association requested rejected temporarily: try again later.” Association Comeback Time dot11AssociationSAQuery MaximumTimeout Result Code: “Success.” SA Query Request
doc.: IEEE /0026r0 Submission Proposal AP Behavior –For protecting a security association from DoS attack, AP should provide dot11AssociationSAQueryMaximumTimeout value to a non-AP STA STA Behavior –For protecting DoS attack, the non-AP STA shall wake to listen to SA Query Request frame with the interval of dot11AssociationSAQueryMaximumTimeout January 2013 Yongho Seok, LG ElectronicsSlide 10
doc.: IEEE /0026r0 Submission Conclusion In this contribution, we propose a security association procedure for a long sleeper –For protecting DoS attack, AP needs to provide dot11AssociationSAQueryMaximumTimeout value to its associated STA January 2013 Yongho Seok, LG ElectronicsSlide 11
doc.: IEEE /0026r0 Submission Straw Poll Do you support that an AP include dot11AssociationSAQueryMaximumTimeout in Association Response frame or Re-association Response frame with status code set to success? January 2013 Yongho Seok, LG ElectronicsSlide 12