Church Problems Acts 2:37-47. Introduction All churches have problems –Basically the same everywhere –Causes might change.


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Presentation transcript:

Church Problems Acts 2:37-47

Introduction All churches have problems –Basically the same everywhere –Causes might change

Church’s Work Teaching the lost (1 Timothy 3:15) Edifying the saints (Ephesians 4:11-16) Helping needy saints (Acts 4:32-35)

Church in Jerusalem Problems –Physical needs –Violence and threats –Sinful members –Growth –Complaining members

Church in Jerusalem Problems –Physical needs

Physical Needs (2:45; 4:32-37) Beginning (Acts 2) –Jews from 15 nations –3,000 obeyed (v. 41) –Need was not created –What if they went home after one day?

Physical Needs (2:45; 4:32-37) Problem resolved –Sold land and possessions (2:45, 46; 4:32-37) –Ate together, studied together, worshiped together, etc. –We have the Scriptures!

Physical Needs (2:45; 4:32-37) Preaching continued –Created needs siphon money away from evangelism –God provided for the needy in the world (James 1:27) –Problems like this can halt the work

Church in Jerusalem Problems –Physical needs –Violence and threats

Violence and Threats (4:1-7) Peter’s sermon and miracle –Healed the lame man (3:1-10) –Upset the religious leaders (4:2) –Threatened and eventually beaten (4:18; 5:40-42)

Violence and Threats (4:1-7) Preaching continued –Prayed, rejoiced, and continued to preach (4:23-31; 5:41, 42) –Preached like the prophets of old

Church in Jerusalem Problems –Physical needs –Violence and threats –Sinful members

Sinful Members (5:1-10) Another internal attack by Satan –Persecution had failed –Ananias and Sapphira wanted praise without sacrifice (vv. 2, 4, 8)

Sinful Members (5:1-10) Problem solved and preaching continued –Sinners to be disciplined (vv. 5, 10; 1 Corinthians 5:11, 13, 14) –Elders’ work to help them –Elders need to be appreciated (Hebrews 13:17)

Church in Jerusalem Problems –Physical needs –Violence and threats –Sinful members –Growth

Growth (2:41; 4:4; 5:14) Produced “desirable” problems –Converts have a variety of backgrounds –“Management” problems

Growth (2:41; 4:4; 5:14) Solutions are possible –Elders are not just “administrators” (Acts 20:28; 1 Peter 5:2) –The work of preaching continued

Church in Jerusalem Problems –Physical needs –Violence and threats –Sinful members –Growth –Complaining members

Complaining Members (6:1-7) Neglect of the Grecian widows –Cultural differences –Another tactic of Satan (Acts 8:4)

Complaining Members (6:1-7) Problem solved –Elders had work to do (v. 2; Acts 20:28) –Deacons and members (1 Corinthians 12:18) –All Christians (1 Peter 2:5) –“Preacher does the elders’ work, elders do the deacons’ work, deacons do the members’ work, and members do nothing.”

Church in Jerusalem Problems –Physical needs –Violence and threats –Sinful members –Growth –Complaining members

Conclusion Many were converted Are we working?