Opening Address on behalf of Organizers We welcome all participants with great pleasure. This conference inherits GUT07. This conference is sponsored by Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics and co-sponsored by Inoue Foundation for Science.
The Tohoku Earthquake Just one year ago, Japan suffered from historical disaster - The Tohoku Earthquake - and lost more than twenty thousands precious lives. More than three hundred thousands peoples are still forced to live refugee life. We are always living with these peoples.
Japan thanks to so many supports from peoples around the world, and we do espepecially to friends who came here.
Let me comment on the prospect of GUT only in the next one sheet. GUT now enters into the precision science. GUT is testable. Only GUT can explain miscellaneous phenomena comprehensively as the SM does. We need the unambiguous priciples for model building where NO-GO theorems play very essential roles.
string theory F theory Horizontal Symmetry GUT in extra D GUT in 4D SUSY GUT Gauge-Higgs No-Go (2) Continuous and discrete, local and global but? Vertical Symmetry No-Go (1) No-Go (3) We need any No-Go Inflation Model (1) Coleman-Mandula (3) Nelson-Seiberg th. is sublimated to NO-GO by Ratz et al. (2) No-Go of high-ranked Higgs etc.
Enjoy Workshop And Hope many many discussions !