Published 1951
Presents a view of America in the late 1940’s and early 1950’s The schools The urban experience The family relationships The peer influences The personal values
Realism In its use of language In its use of social criticism where it is due In its presentation of real problems which adolescents face in the process of achieving maturity
Romanticism In its view of the innocence of childhood In its quest for truth In its idealizing of the past In its emphasis on individual discovery and growth
Frame Story Structure Outside frame – Holden’s talking to a psychoanalyst Inside story – Holden’s own narrative, with flashbacks of the events
Narrative 1 st person Autobiographical Episodic - divided into separate or tenuously related parts or sections; loosely connected: Picaresque - involving clever rogues or adventurers Psychological – the events narrated are accompanied by Holden’s thoughts Quest narrative- in which Holden seeks to discover truth, values, and ultimately, himself and his place in the world
Some Values Stressed The need for inner direction and commitment to action A sensitive awareness of life’s compensations; a necessary balance of sympathy and rejection, joy and sorrow The recognition of superficial standards of behavior; the challenge of seeking positive change in one’s moral environment The ability to feel compassion and to expect justice for all The therapeutic worth of honesty in communications with others; the treatment of every person as an individual The learning of universal love and empathy in one’s individual struggle against hypocrisy and worldly corruption