Österreich 2006 Präsidentschaft der Europäischen Union Austria 2006 Presidency of the European Union Autriche 2006 Présidence de L‘Union européenne 46th Meeting of Directors General responsible for Public Administration EPAN Business
Mid-Term Programme Annex 1 Integrating the Lisbon Strategy into the new MTP Areas of cooperation: Human Resources Innovative Public Services eGovernment Better Regulation Training Focus during the Austrian Presidency Presidency: Decentralisation and Accountability as Focus of Public Administration Modernisation Cross-border mobility of public sector workers CAF and work towards Customer Satisfaction Indices Business Process Management Guidance for Impact Assessments in the Council Alternative learning methods
Horizontal Working Closer cooperation between Working Groups: HRWG invited IPSG to participate in the study project on Decentralisation and Accountability Exchange of experts from different Working Groups: 3 members of IPSG attended the 1st HRWG-Meeting Cross-reporting: in the 2nd IPSG-Meeting a HRWG representative reported back on the results of study project Use of the EUPAN Website: Resolutions, studies, surveys and case-studies will be published at the end of the Austrian Presidency
Working towards the Lisbon Objectives European Year of Workers´ Mobility 2006 / Social Dialogue: the study on Cross Border Mobility of Public Sector Workers recognises the relevance of an efficient, open and competitive labour market for the Strategy for Growth and Jobs Public Administration Modernisation: the study on Decentralisation and Accountability provides valuable analysis and information as p.a. modernisation steps in this direction can further raise productivity, efficiency and effectiveness as well as the quality of services and thus strengthen the conditions for more Growth and Jobs
Evaluating the European User Satisfaction Indices and the work on CAF contributes to the quality of public services thus supporting the Strategy Business Process Management in eGovernment: Promoting more efficient and effective public services facilitate the achievement of the objectives The reduction of administrative burden has an essential share in the Strategy for Growth and Jobs Alternative learning methods like e-learning can efficiently and effectively facilitate lifelong learning of public sector workers
Let‘s go ahead!