By: Breanna Trout
Totalitarian State: One-Party dictatorship attempts to regulate ever aspect of the lives of its citizens. Socialist Realism: A goal to boost socialism by showing Soviet life in a positive light. VOCAB(:
Stalin tried to boost the faith and morale upon the communist system by making himself extra amazing. The “Cult of Personality” was another way that he made himself more powerful. LIFE IN A TOTALITARIAN STATE
A man names Marx said that within the Communism, the state would die away, and have no more left. He turned the Soviet Union into a totalitarian state. To keep the people of Russia in order, Stalin ordered for there to be Secret Police, censorship, and fear (terror]. They had secret listening devices. With those, many “Grumblers” got sent to harsh slavery plants. Electronics, such as radios, and loud speakers were being used all over. In schools, movie theaters, and factories. A 14-year old boy got a sculpture for turning his father over to Satlin. Marx began atheism, and it was began to be an order for the state. Any other religion would be tortured, and punished. The writtings by Marx and Lenin were called “sacred Writtings” AN “IRON AGE” OF TOTALITARIAN CONTROL
Communists changed the way that Russian’s lived. Social classes were changed, but not as promised, some classed emerged as new ruling classes. The highest ranking people were of the Communist group, and not many of the Soviet people. The Soviet elite consisted of: Industrial leaders, military leaders, and not many artists and writers. They got many joys in life, such as the best apartments and were granted special shops to shop at. Education was free to everybody, along with housing and transportation. Living standards still remained low for many. Before 1917, many women fought for the revolution, like spreading ideas among the lower class people. Because of that, they were granted Education rights. CHANGES IN SOVIET SOCIETY
The Bolshevilk Revolution was first meant for the Russian writers and artists. They experienced new ways to paint and write. The Will of the people were strong, and great full. Stalin forced the people to write and paint about “social realism.” The most popular ideas for the paintings were peasants, workers, and heroes. The government controlled what was seen, heard, and published. A Jewish poet was thrown in jail, and tortured. A Poet names Anna Akhmatova, sided with the Jew, because it did not stress Communism, and because she was not granted the right to see her son in jail. There were many secerative writers. THE ART AND THE STATE
By the time that Stalin died in 1953, the Soviet Union was the leader in heavy industry. Eastern Europe was also in turmoil and hardship in the 1920’s and the 1930’s. LOOKING AHEAD