Support Teacher Observations Example photos Art Teaching Posters And Bulletin Boards Compiled by Deborah Wilson, Roswell North ES If you have questions about any information on the slides, please contact individual art teachers for more information.
Teaching Posters Dana Jung Munson
Linda Hallen Butler
English Avery
Jenn Heyser
Nancy Reed
Paula Sadler
Artist Quotes Paula Sadler
Hope Knight
Jennifer Harding
Yuri Chon and Anna Morrow print the PowerPoint presentations they use to introduce lessons to make teaching bulletin boards.
Fran Nowlin Randy Farley
Fran Nowlin
Fred Ciminelli
Curriculum Wall—Standards and Elements for each grade K-5 are posted beside the teacher’s desk to facilitate lesson planning. Fred Ciminelli
Jason Deas has poster-size charts of Art Education Standards and Elements for each grade level posted in his room.
Standards and Elements are posted on cabinet doors. Yuri Chon
Artist Birthdays and Quotes Hope Knight
Jennifer Barrett
Grading Posters Katie Argentina
Michael Hunter
Nancy Reed
Stephanie Scott
Beth Standard
Yuri Chon
Anna Morrow
Anita Burch
Yuri Chon