Our Mission Ensure End to End Quality of PVC2 ! In following ways : 1. Integration testing on new functionalities. 2. Automate all stable functionalities. 3. Do smoke testing after daily deployment using automated test cases. 4. Publish test report.
Agenda Topics Covered in this presentation : 1. Attributes List for Manual Testing 2. Updates & Demo on Automation Testing with Selenium Web driver 3. Future Test Plans
Black Box Testing Attributes ( Manual ) We have prepared a list of Attributes for the Functional Testing and are categorized as below : 1. Static Attributes 2. Dynamic Attributes 3. Functional Attributes
Static Attributes 1. Page Title 2. Labels (Spelling & Grammar check - Meaningful) 3. Buttons (Spelling & Grammar check) 4. Font (type, style & color) 5. Mandatory icon 6. Text box 7. Drop downs 8. Guidelines/Post Rules (Spelling & Grammar check) 9. Alignment (Complete page alignment – Table Attributes) 10.Pagination
Cntnd Instructions / Note 12. Bootstrap standards 13. Breadcrumbs 14. Default mouse(or cursor) control on the screen 15. Empty State handling 16. Ck Editor 17. Images 18. Links 19. Url of the page 20. Browser Compatibility
Dynamic Attributes 1. Loader 2. Field validations / Alerts 3. flash messages 4. Expand/Collapse button(Toggle buttons) 5. Scroll bar 6. Autocomplete 7. Loggers 8. alerts
Functional Attributes 1. Incomplete Functionality 2. Negative scenarios 3. Functionality 4. Features not working 5. Error logs
White box Testing with Selenium Since PVC is getting functionally stable and scaled to multiple customers, its time to Automate the QA which in turn ensures : 1. Frequent Regression testing 2. Faster Feedback to the developers 3. Reduce the Human Effort 4. Test same application on multiple environments & browsers
Selenium Webdriver Configuration Tools & Installation Details : 1. JDK 2. Intellij IDEA or Eclipse 3. Selenium Webdriver (2.33.0) 4. FireFox 5. Google Chrome
Demo Automated Smoke Test Cases : 1. Login to PVC2 2. Go to Home Page from My Exams 3. Test the Platform link functionalities –with Screenshots & Report in.txt format 4. Test the Community admin functionalities – with Screenshots & Report in.txt format 5. Create Enablers : Byte,Blog,Media,Question,Idea,Event,Debate,Wiki- with Report in.txt format 6. Logout – with Screenshots
Test Plans Use attribute list while doing manual testing on all new functionalities. Create Test cases for all stable modules. Automate all stable modules using Selenium WebDriver. Do smoke testing after daily deployment using automated test cases. Publish test report in iON PVC QA community.
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