Mixtures and Pure Substances Beverage Lab
Homogeneous materials Matter Heterogeneous materials Properties From Yesterday … {One set of properties} {More than one set of properties}
Research Questions: Is milk homogeneous or heterogeneous? Is OJ homogeneous or heterogeneous? Is Pop homogeneous or heterogeneous?
Lab Guidelines DO NOT taste the 3 liquids DO NOT spill the liquids BE CAREFUL when handling glassware and microscope Working with your partner: Stay on task Keep your voice low Allow your partner to share ideas, even if you think you know the answer
Name:______________________ Grade :__________________________ Observations Inference (Hetero/Homo- geneous?) Reasons Milk Unaided Eye I think it is: homogeneous heterogeneous because Lens Microscope Pop Unaided Eye Lens Microscope Orange Juice Unaided Eye Lens Microscope
Preparing your Three Slides Using the dropper, take a drop of the beverage and place it in the centre of the slide. Gently place a cover slip on the slide When finished looking at your sample, rinse your slide and dry it with lens tissue
Microscope Use 1. Turn revolving nosepiece so that the lowest power objective is clicked into place 2. Place the prepared microscope slide on the stage and fasten the stage clips. 3. Lower the objective as far as it will go without touching the slide Look from the side when doing this 4. Now look through the eye piece and adjust the diaphragm for the greatest amount of light 5. Slowly turn the coarse adjustment so that the objective lens goes up 6. If you cannot see beverage clearly, start at number 3 using the next highest power objective.
When you examined the drinks with your unaided eye: -Which bits were big, small, or microscopic? -Were the bits all the same shape? -Explain which bits were solids, liquids, or gases. Which drink appeared to be homogeneous until you saw what it looked like under the microscope? Describe the new evidence you could see under the microscope. Materials that are homogeneous can be difficult to identify. Which heterogeneous liquid in this investigation did you think was homogeneous at first? Explain how you found out it was not. What would you have to observe before you would be willing to call a material homogeneous? Questions
Milk microscopelenseyes OJ microscope lenseyes Pop microscopelenseyes