What Happens to oil after an oil spill? One example of where is goes is, In Mississippi Waste Management comes and collects the oil, and they collect anything that had oil on it. Sometimes some oil is still there because it is very hard to clean up ALL the oil. There are many other oil companies who collect oil from the oil spills.
What are the techniques and tools to cleaning up an oil spill? Third one is Exsorbins, they are used to absorb the oil, but it can absorb to much oil. There are many techniques for cleaning up an oil spill. First one is the skimmer, it sucks up the oil but its hard to get only the oil. Second one is boom, the boon is like a string that controls the oil to be in one area, but its difficult sometimes because the boon can sink in the water. Finally the last one is dispersants, they separate the oil and water, you poor soap in the water then mix it so it was easier to clean up, but the water would be to soapy so you couldn’t use it anymore. Then there is nano sand, when you drop the sand on the oil but it sinks it to the bottom and stays there, it goes away from the surface but it is still in the water harming animals.
Where does oil come from? Oil is a hydrocarbon. Oil comes from many places. Oil comes from the mantel, water, oil, and gas are the layers inside the mantel. The oil is in the ground so we have to drill it up, usually we drill from the ocean or land.
What animals are affected? Some other animals are birds, the oil enter there throats and stomach. Any animal living in the ocean affected by the oil spill and birds who swoop down and eat the fish. Some animals affected are sea turtles, it is hard for them to eat food if there food is affected by the oil, especially the baby sea turtles are because it is hard for them to swim. Some other animals are, Nesting and migrating sea birds, Migrating songbirds, brown pelicans, Sea Otters, Whales, Dolphins, Manatees, Fish, Shellfish, and Crabs, and North Atlantic Bluefin Tuna. All mammals ingest the oil from smaller fish when they eat them.
What is the cause of oil spills? Or just simply people are careless and don’t do the work properly. Dissolution is one of the main cause. Dissolution is the different oil we use to boil at different temperature. Oil spills happen when people make mistakes or are careless and cause an oil tanker to leak oil into the ocean.