The Roman Religion The Roman performed rituals for the gods that they worshipped, and they had festivals. The roman people also “Borrowed” the gods/goddesses from the people that they defeated. The Roman people of Rome, had a somewhat strange religion, in which they had approximately over 60 gods and goddesses, and they worshipped 12 of their “main” gods. 6 gods, and 6 goddesses. The people of Rome had the religion of gods, in which the gods that they worshipped each had a different purpose.
Some of the gods the Romans worshipped Some of the gods that the romans worshipped were Jupiter, Neptune, Juno, and Mars. These gods were only some of their main gods, which they had a total of twelve, the other gods weren’t as important. All of their main gods were; Jupiter, Neptune, Mars, Juno, Diana, Mercury, Pluto, Venus, Minerva, Vesta, Vulcan, Ceres, and Apollo.
Roman Holidays The romans had holidays too, but their holidays were different from most of the other religions, the Roman people had two holidays that we were able to find. One of them was kind of like valentines day and they called it Lupercalia. The other holiday that they had was called Saturnalia, in which they worshipped the god Saturn, also known to the Greek as Cronos.
Lupercalia The Roman holiday of Lupercalia, was a festival that was performed between February 13 and February 15,the Romans performed this festival to repel evil spirits and to purify the city, also to release fertility and health.
Saturnalia Another one of the festivals that the roman people had was saturnalia, which was an ancient roman festival in honor of the roman god Saturn. The festival would be held on December 17 th of the Julian calendar, and then later expanded with festivities through to the 23 rd of December. During this festival, the people of Rome made a sacrifice at the temple of Saturn, a big banquet, gambling, and the masters provided table service to their slaves. There was also continuous partying, and lots of drinking.
The Roman gods’ family tree