Right on Target… sCC4&safe=active sCC4&safe=active
2 Core Student Needs Resources Responsiveness to Instruction Identify Area(s) of Need Implement Plan Evaluate Develop a Plan Supplemental Intensive
3 Heart Patient
Documenting Problem-Solving: Core
Let’s Try One… 2 nd grade example Using the template
Early Warning System 7 Fall- 72% of 2 nd graders not on target… Core issue?
Triangulate the Data Common formative assessment (CFA) for reading comprehension- Target score = 75% 83% of students scored below 75%
Team Time Identify the problem. Remember: Behavioral/academic definition Concrete, observable and measurable Stranger test Typically begins broad
Group Activity Using the chart, place the pieces in the appropriate section We will share out answers when finished
Identify Problem(s) Seventy-two percent (72%) of all 2 nd grade students did not meet grade level expectation in the area of reading fluency and Eighty-three percent (83%) did not meet the expected benchmark score on a test of reading comprehension
Next….Develop Hypothesis We must ask questions to form a hypothesis regarding “What is the problem? Why is it occurring?” We ask questions across four domains InstructionCurriculumEnvironmentLearner
Develop Hypothesis Review Curricular materials Curriculum Maps Etc… Interview Previous Teachers Current Teachers Etc.. Observe Teacher’s instructional strategies During Instructional Time Etc.... Test Group Diagnostic Test Individual Testing data Skill specific test on sample of students Etc....
Develop Hypothesis Curriculum Instruction Environment Curriculum materials do not contain explicit fluency practice in K, 1, 2. Schedule for literacy does not contain explicit fluency practice in K, 1, 2. K-1 instruction was not systematic in phonics instruction and there was little instruction on irregular words.
Develop Hypothesis Curriculum Instruction Environment Review 1 st grade materials Review literacy block schedule Observe during literacy block Interview K-1 teachers Review K-1 materials, 1 st grade Reading 3D results
Collect & Use Data Interview K, 1 teachers; review materials for K, 1; review Reading 3d test results for 1 st ; Review 1 st grade curricular materials for the big five of literacy (phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension) Review schedule and observe during literacy in first and second grade Schedule for first and second grade literacy reveals no explicit fluency practice in literacy for K, 1, 2 Very little explicit fluency practice in first grade curriculum; appropriate amount of time/materials/strategies for phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary and comprehension Materials and teachers report systematic phonics in kindergarten and first; Nonsense Word Fluency for 1 st - 90% of students on target
Precise Problem Statement 72% of students in second grade are not on target in the area of oral reading fluency and 83% of students in second grade are not on target for reading comprehension due to a lack of focus (explicit instruction and time in the literacy block) on reading fluency in first and second grades. Place in appropriate spot on the chart
Team Time Discuss possible solutions based on the precise problem statement 72% of students in second grade are not on target in the area of oral reading fluency and 83% of students in second grade are not on target for reading comprehension due to a lack of focus (explicit instruction and time in the literacy block) on reading fluency in first and second grades.
Discuss & Select Solutions Teacher utilizes direct instruction oral reading fluency strategies during literacy block (whole group & literacy stations) Utilize Florida Center for Reading Research (FCRR) resources with teacher instruction/feedback Reading specialist goes in the classrooms for each literacy block to teach fluency skills ✔ ✔ ✖
Student Demographic Sheet Every student that is considered at risk (red or yellow on 3D or Aimsweb, Level 1 or 2 on EOG, below grade level on benchmarks, or from teacher observations) MUST have a demographic sheet completed This, in combination with the Tier 1 paperwork (stapled), takes the place of the SSP
Review Previous Evaluations Review previous evaluation(s) if conducted. This can be confirmed with the school psychologist or through records maintained in the school. If student moved between schools in our system it may be necessary to involve the school psychologist/program specialist. If assured that student was never evaluated for EC services, the referring teacher should sign here: Signature of referring teacher:___________________________________________________________ If evaluated previously: Obtain results from the previous assessment and include here (describe and/or attach DEC 3): Describe evidence that suggests the student would more likely meet or not meet eligibility for EC services if evaluated? Student NameGrade ID#D.O.B. Parent/Guardian Name(s) Address Phone # Services Received:Health Concerns: DateType of ContactPerson Making ContactOutcome Summary of Parent Contacts: Area of concern (circle): Phonological Awareness Fluency Comprehension Vocabulary Writing Math Behavior Student Demographic Information
What do students need to know? How will we know they’ve learned it? Universal Screening Data that supports the Area of Concern (Student is not meeting standard on Universal screen or grade level standard Universal Assessment/ScreeningDateScoreDateScoreDateScore See Literacy Diagnostic Flowchart for timeline LNF (K1)Fall Winter Spring FSF (K)Fall Winter Spring PSF (K-1)Fall Winter Spring NWF (K-2)Fall Winter Spring Reading 3D TRC (K-3 only) Fall Winter Spring Reading 3D DORF (1-3 only) Fall Winter Spring AIMSweb R-CBM (Fluency) (4-12) Fall Winter Spring AIMSweb Math-Early Numeracy- MCOMP(1-12) or MCAP (2-12) Fall Winter Spring Universal AssessmentsDateScoreDateScoreDateScore EOG/ EOC BA’s CA’s Previous year Reading EOG Previous year Math EOG Other dataDate# # # Absences Tardies/Early Release CoGat (3 rd, 5 th and 8 th grade) Retentions Discipline (Office referral, classroom offenses) Vision Speech /Hearing Screening needed? Tier 2-1 Tier Vision Hearing Speech
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