Government & Revolution Vocabulary
1) Archaic 2) Demagogue 3) Privilege 4) Avarice 5) Opulent 6) Tenacious 7) Venerable 8) Abdicate 9) Compromise 10) Condescending 11)Empathy 12) Perfidious 13) Orator 14) Tactful
15) bureaucracy 16) dissident 17) revolution 18) republic 19) liberal 20) radical 21) conservative 22) coup d’etat 23) nobility 24) justice 25) suffrage
1) Archaic POS = Adj. Definition= of, relating to, characteristic of, or surviving from an earlier time; no longer in general use Example: the archaic words "methinks" synonym: Old 1) Archaic POS = Adj. Definition= of, relating to, characteristic of, or surviving from an earlier time; no longer in general use Example: the archaic words "methinks" synonym: Old
2) Demagogue POS= Noun Definition: a person who appeals to the emotions and prejudices of people in order to arouse discontent and advance his or her own political purposes Example: Hitler POS= Noun Definition: a person who appeals to the emotions and prejudices of people in order to arouse discontent and advance his or her own political purposes Example: Hitler
3) Privilege POS= Noun Definition= a right or liberty granted as a favor or benefit especially to some and not others Example: Not having to wear a uniform at Von Steuben
4) Avarice POS=Noun Definition= strong desire for riches Synonym= GREED
5) Opulent POS=Adj. Definition=having or showing much wealth Synonym=luxurious
6) Tenacious POS= Adj. Definition=not easily pulled apart; persistent in maintaining, adhering to, or seeking something valued or desired Synonym= persistent Example: a tenacious advocate of civil rights Or, a Pit Bull POS= Adj. Definition=not easily pulled apart; persistent in maintaining, adhering to, or seeking something valued or desired Synonym= persistent Example: a tenacious advocate of civil rights Or, a Pit Bull
Definitions in 2 parts (not a word-square) 1) For the following words, write the definition including the part of speech (POS). – Use the bracketing method. Define all words within the definition that you don’t know (in brackets). 2 ) Also, write a sentence for the word that shows you understand the meaning. 1) For the following words, write the definition including the part of speech (POS). – Use the bracketing method. Define all words within the definition that you don’t know (in brackets). 2 ) Also, write a sentence for the word that shows you understand the meaning.