UNIT 5 The Beginning of the American Revolution
The Enlightenment I.The Age of Reason a.Philosophers used reason and logic to think of ways to improve the world. b.How should government work to best serve the people?
The Enlightenment II. JOHN LOCKE: believed a social contract, or agreement, existed between political leaders and the people they ruled.
I.A meeting of 56 delegates to discuss the problems in Boston. a.Philadelphia, Sept b.Some wanted to ‘Fight’, others wanted ‘Peace’. John Adams Samuel Adams George Washington They Compromise: - Continue to Boycott British Goods BUT….. - Prepare to fight!!!!! Minutemen: Local militia soldiers, ready to fight on a minute’s notice.
The “Shot Heard round the World” Concord: A location the minutemen stored weapons, incase war broke out! General Gage sends British troops to seize weapons from the Minutemen at Concord. 7 Months ……After the First Continental Congress Meet!!! SOMEBODY BETTER TELL THE PATRIOTS THAT… “THE BRITISH ARE COMING!!!!!!!”
The “Shot Heard round the World” British The British are COMING!!!! PREPARED!!!! The Minutemen are PREPARED!!!! MINUTEMEN RED COATS British Soldiers and Patriots meet at Lexington. “The 1 st shot of the American Revolution”.
The “Shot Heard round the World” RESULTS: 200 British Casualties vs. 100 Patriot Casualties How might the Patriots feel after they forced the British soldiers to retreat back to Boston?