Theology of Social Ministry By Bob Munson
There are Several Issues Why do Social Ministry? (Biblical) Why do Social Ministry? (Biblical) Attitudes About Social Ministry? Attitudes About Social Ministry? Holism Versus Dualism Holism Versus Dualism Biblical Example of Community Development Biblical Example of Community Development
Why do Social Ministry? (Biblical) Reason 1: “Love thy Neighbor” Read: Luke 10:27 and the Parable of the Good Shepherd. Also James 2:15-16 What are some ways to show love to one’s neighbor?
Why do Social Ministry? (Biblical) Reason 2: “Love God” Read: Luke 10:27 and Matthew 25:34- What are some ways to show love to God?
Why do Social Ministry? (Biblical) Reason 3: Great Commission Read: John 20:21 and Luke 4:18-19 If we are to be sent as Jesus was sent, how was Jesus sent?
Why do Social Ministry? (Biblical) SUMMARY Caring for people in need is commanded by God, and is being part of God’s mission on earth. One does not need to justify doing social ministry. God already has blessed it.
What are some attitudes about Social Ministry? #1 Spiritualist (Avoidance) Our job is to proclaim the word of God and lead people to Christ. That’s it. Ignores the social side of the Gospel
What are some attitudes about Social Ministry? #2 Social Gospel Doing good for people IS essentially the full extent of God’s command for us. Ignores spiritual side of the Gospel
What are some attitudes about Social Ministry? #3 Convenience Since we are evangelizing and discipling, why not do some social work at the same time. No harm in it, as long as it doesn’t get in the way. Deemphasizes the social side of the Gospel
What are some attitudes about Social Ministry? #4 Ulterior Motive We want to share the gospel. So to get people to listen, we will do some nice things. This is a common viewpoint among Evangelical Christians.
What are some attitudes about Social Ministry? #4 Ulterior Motive (Continued) But the command and gospel of God includes both spiritual and social aspects. The problem with this view is that it leads to using trickery to evangelize. Also leads to sloppy and disreputable behavior.
What are some attitudes about Social Ministry? #5 Holism We don’t separate between physical, spiritual, mental, economic, and social. Sees the Gospel as providing eternal bliss, and the arrival of some aspects of the Kingdom of God now.
Another way of looking at it Material Spiritual Social Gospel Avoidance Liberation Theology Convenience Ulterior Motive Ulterior Motive Holistic Holistic
Holism Versus Dualism What is Dualism? Dualism sees there being a major separation between the two different parts of life. -Physical Versus Spiritual -Physical Versus Spiritual -Sacred Versus Secular (Separatism) -Sacred Versus Secular (Separatism) -Belief Versus Behavior (Hypocrisy) -Belief Versus Behavior (Hypocrisy)
Holism Versus Dualism Holism seeks to recognize the Kingdom of God as applying to: -The whole person -The whole person -The whole community -The whole community -The whole world -The whole world
Holism Versus Dualism Holism is consistent with the concept of: God’s plan for Creation God’s plan for Creation Genesis 1 Genesis 1 Isaiah 65: Isaiah 65: Rev. 21:1-4, 22-26; 22:1-5 Rev. 21:1-4, 22-26; 22:1-5 Great Commandment Great Commandment Jesus’ call to be salt and light to the world. Jesus’ call to be salt and light to the world. Jesus call to the Kingdom of God. Jesus call to the Kingdom of God.
Biblical Example Of Community Development The Book of Nehemiah can be read as a case study of Holistic Community Development. This is a good model for us.
Biblical Example Of Community Development Nehemiah: Discovered a felt need Discovered a felt need Prayed and planned. Analyzed internal and external resources. Prayed and planned. Analyzed internal and external resources. What were his “internal resources”. What were his “internal resources”. (No time, No money, No authority) (No time, No money, No authority) (Had knowledge, Had connections, Had God) (Had knowledge, Had connections, Had God) Expressed Vision, Competence, and Trustworthiness to others to partner with him, getting time, money, and authority. Expressed Vision, Competence, and Trustworthiness to others to partner with him, getting time, money, and authority.
Biblical Example Of Community Development Nehemiah: Started with felt needs (Wall) and then started going to actual needs (moral, social). Started with felt needs (Wall) and then started going to actual needs (moral, social). Started with easy things (Wall, usury), and moved to difficult things (societal transformation). Started with easy things (Wall, usury), and moved to difficult things (societal transformation). Started with things that required little partnership and worked toward things that required much partnership. Started with things that required little partnership and worked toward things that required much partnership.