A large percentage of UK household’s still do not recycle enough and throw everything that they consider ‘rubbish’ into their ordinary bin. Much of this waste can be recycled and should be disposed of separately to general household waste. Look inside this rubbish bin to see how much of the contents should actually have been recycled. Check our list on the right to see how to recycle different materials.
Many items found around the home can be used for different purposes. So before you throw those items away, think about how they can be reused. Below are some suggestions of how to reuse those everyday bits and pieces. Recycling is an important factor in conserving natural resources and greatly contributes towards improving the environment. Below are some helpful hints about recycling in and around the home. You can reduce the amount of waste you create by choosing what rubbish you throw away. This can be easy and fun – just follow our simple guidelines to reduce your waste at home, school or work.
Cutting trees? Using the seme cup? Burning trees? Meeee!!!!! Come on!!!! Plese ;[
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Draw in the other side of the paper? Use only one side of the paper? Burn paper? Meeee!!!!!!!! Plese me!!!! Plese ;(
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Putin recycable things in their places? Puting things in landfils Keping trash Plese Meeee!!!!! Meeeee plese!!!!
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