My house My power point presentation Group it2 Sophie yang
My house in Donhhuali My house is in Hebei My house is in china Location
Color My living room’s color is white and grey My bedroom’s color is blue My bathroom’s color is gray
Size Bathroom is 20 square meter s living room is 40 square meters Bedroom is 30 square meters kitchen is 25 square meters
who My mother is very thin and beautiful My brother is very smart My sister is very cute
surrounds Have a hospital behind my house Have a park in front of my house Have a department beside my house
Animals I have a very cute cat I have a very smart dog I have a pretty raven
Furniture In the living room has 1 sofa In the bedroom has 1 bed In the bathroom has 1 shower
plant My room has a pot of roses My room has a pot of lilies My room has a pot of orchids
Favorite My father likes stay in living room to reads newspapers My mother likes stay in kitchen to cooks food I like stay in bedroom to play computer games
M y h o u s e h a s 1 l i v i n g r o o m How many rooms in my house ? My house has 1 bedroom My house has 1 bathroom My house has 1 kitchen