REVIEW ECONOMY UNIT. How was the territory of Quebec occupied by the 3 aboriginal families? ◦ The territory was divided in 3 sections. ◦ The St-Lawrence.


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Presentation transcript:


How was the territory of Quebec occupied by the 3 aboriginal families? ◦ The territory was divided in 3 sections. ◦ The St-Lawrence valley was occupied by the Iroquoins. ◦ The Canadian Shield was occupied by the Algoquins. ◦ The North was occupied by the Inuit.

How was the trade network organized by the 3 aboriginal families? ◦ The Aboriginal families had to exchange with each other in other to get the resources they couldn’t find on their territory. ◦ The Iroquoins were exchanged their agricultural surplus with the Algoinquins in exchange for their meat surplus. ◦ The Sboriginal had no interest in profit, their exhcnaged were essential for diplomatic ties and faciliate peace.

Why did the French come to Canada? ◦ The European first came to America to find a route to Asia. ◦ They found they could export fish from the Eastern Coast and make profits. ◦ They also discovered how the Fur Trade could double their profit.

Why did the French stay in Quebec? ◦ For the Fur trade!

What is mercantilism? ◦ An economic theory that bases a nation’s properity on the accumulation of gold and silver. ◦ In my own words: The economic alliance between a mother country and its colonies. The exploitation of the natural resources of the colonies in exchange for manufacture goods. Double profit for the mother country.

Did mercantilism work in New France? Why No it didn’t. New France was a big territory and France had to spend money protecting the territory and covering the deficit of the colony. The natural resources coming from the colony were not enough to covert the expense of the mother country.

What were the main economic activities in New France? ◦ 1. Fur trade (most of the money made here) ◦ 2. Fishing (important for European because of Abstinence day) ◦ 3. Agriculture (most of the population, agriculture of subsitence)

Why did New France need a big terriory? ◦ Because of the Fur Trade. The territory was big to had as many trading post as possible and have access to fur as much as possible.

Explain the triangular trade. ◦ The triangular trade was base on the principle of mercantilism. It is the exchange of raw material in exchange for manufacture good between the mother country and its colonies (The Antilles and New France)

What changed economically with the arrival of the British? ◦ After the Conquest, New France had a new trading partner and it was the British Empire and its colonies. ◦ The Fur trade was still important until the 1820s. ◦ The timber trade become more and more important. ◦ The Agriculture continued to develop and the farmer were making surplus that they could sell.

What is protectionism? ◦ Protectionism is an economic policy established to protect the economy of the country or empire. ◦ In my own words: an economic policy that put taxes on products that are coming from outside the Empire in order to encourage the market and products produce in the empire to be bought.

What happened to the Fur trade during the British Regime? ◦ Until the 1820s, the Fur trade was one of the most important economic activity of the colony. ◦ The trade was organized by British Merchant but the courreur des bois were the one trading with the Aboriginal people.

Why was the exploitation of timber so important? ◦ The timber industry became really important in the 1800s: ◦ because of the French and British War where Britain couldn’t get supply from Europe, ◦ because of protectionisms that benefited the colony ◦ Because of the military and commercial need for boats ◦ Because of the need for the textile industry.

What were the consequences of the end of protectionism? ◦ In 1850s, with the end of protectionism, the province of Quebec had to find new trade partners. ◦ They turned to the Unitied State and organized a Reciprocity Treaty to exchange primary products life flour and sawed wood. This treaty would last until ◦ Because of the end of Protectionism, the colony decided to do the Confederation and become a Dominion in 1867.

How did the first phase of industrialization transform the province of Quebec? ◦ The first phase of industrialization happened in the 1850s. ◦ It transformed the province by developing cities and industries. The population started to move from the countryside to cities to work in those industries. ◦ The factories replaced the craft workshop.

Which economic factors pushed the Confederation? ◦ 1. Around 1850s, Britain abandoned its protectionist policies. ◦ 2. The first phase of industrialization strengthened the economic ties between the colonies ◦ 3. The Unites States wanted the terriroties West of United Canada. ◦ 4. in 1866, the United States cancelled the Reciprocity Treaty.

Why was the railway so important for the confederation? ◦ The railway made it possible to enlarged the market and ensure the transportation of goods. ◦ It also ensure the protection of the country and it allowed the Canadian presences at the border of the American border.

What were the economuc points of the National policy? ◦ 1. Protection of the Canadian industries (taxes on products coming from abroad) ◦ 2. Expansion of the railways network (transportation of goods and transportation of immigrants) ◦ 3. Stimulate immigration (increase the labour force and more consumer)

What helped the second phase of industrialization? ◦ 1. Hydroelectricity and oil! ◦ 2. Wheat ◦ 3. Foreign investment ◦ 4. The First World Warv

What were the economic consequences of the Great Depression? ◦ Drop in princes, drop in stock values, industries having problems selling their products. Industries were loosing money, they had to layoff employees. ◦ Consequences: ◦ majority of the population without a job ◦ Declining of the canadian economy

How did the WW2 help the Great Depression? ◦ The World War Two was the solution to the Great Depression since the Allies were counting on Canada for food supploes and military equipement. The factories in Canada had to work to full potential to supply that demand.

What kind of investment the government did in the 1960s and 1970s? ◦ The government started to do public investment in different company. ◦ The first one was to by all the private hydroelectricity companies and created Hydro-Quebec. ◦ The government also invested in Education and Health.