Marketing Plan
Set Your Goals and Your Why Employee Meeting - 2007 4/27/2017 Set Your Goals and Your Why Set Your Income Goals BE SPECIFIC Set Your Time to Reach That Income Create your Why “If your reason is big enough, the how doesn’t matter.” 61884_EmployeeMeeting2007p6a
Your Position Determines Your Income Employee Meeting - 2007 4/27/2017 Your Position Determines Your Income Income $15,000-$100k Plus Income $4,000- $15,000 Income $2,000-$5,000/mo Income $500-$2,500/mo Income $500-$2,500/mo AWT Income $500-$1,500/mo Income $350-$840 $500 Bonus Check Income $100-$350 Success Builder & Q.P Income $0-$100 Senior Consultant Distributor 61884_EmployeeMeeting2007p6a
Getting Started: Distributor Employee Meeting - 2007 Getting Started: Distributor 4/27/2017 How - Register Retail Profit = 25% Client Order $100 Cost $75 Profit $25 25% 61884_EmployeeMeeting2007p6a
Senior Consultant (You +2) Employee Meeting - 2007 Senior Consultant (You +2) 4/27/2017 How – 1. 500vp x 1 order 2. 500vp Accumulated x1mo Retail Profit = 35% Client Order $100 Cost $65 Profit $35 35% 25% 61884_EmployeeMeeting2007p6a
Success Builder (You +6) Most Profit – Least Work Employee Meeting - 2007 Success Builder (You +6) Most Profit – Least Work 4/27/2017 How – 1,000vp x 1 order @ 42% Retail Profit = 42% Client Order $100 Cost $58 Profit $42 42% 35% 25% 61884_EmployeeMeeting2007p6a
50% Supervisor 25% 1. Retail Profit = 50% Client Order $100 Cost $50 Employee Meeting - 2007 Supervisor 4/27/2017 How – 1. 4,000vp x 1mo 2. 2,500vp x 2mo in a row 3. 5,000ppv Accumulated over 3-12mos 50% 1. Retail Profit = 50% Client Order $100 Cost $50 Profit $50 2. Wholesale Profit = 8-25% 3. Royalties 5% 4. Monthly Bonuses 2-7% 5. Vacations 6. Annual Bonus $10k-$2Mil 42% 35% 25% 61884_EmployeeMeeting2007p6a
How To Earn Royalties 50% Total Volume 20,000vp X5% 1,000r/o 5% Employee Meeting - 2007 4/27/2017 How To Earn Royalties 50% 25% 42% 5% Total Volume 20,000vp X5% 1,000r/o PLUS 2% Bonus 400 Total Checks $1,400+ First Level Supervisor Ex. 5,000vp Second Level Supervisor Ex. 5,000vp Third Level Supervisor Ex. 10,000vp 61884_EmployeeMeeting2007p6a
Duplicate for Income Employee Meeting - 2007 4/27/2017 61884_EmployeeMeeting2007p6a
Duplicate for Income Employee Meeting - 2007 4/27/2017 61884_EmployeeMeeting2007p6a
Duplicate for Income Employee Meeting - 2007 4/27/2017 61884_EmployeeMeeting2007p6a
Recognition! Top Producer Employee Meeting - 2007 4/27/2017 61884_EmployeeMeeting2007p6a
Marketing Plan Set Your Income Goals BE SPECIFIC Employee Meeting - 2007 4/27/2017 Marketing Plan Set Your Income Goals BE SPECIFIC Know What Position in the Marketing Plan gets you that income Set Your Time to Reach That Position Know what it takes to get there. Create your Why “If your reason is big enough, the how doesn’t matter.” GET STARTED! 61884_EmployeeMeeting2007p6a