Ceramics- Creating from clay
Ceramic pieces can be created with hand building techniques.
Coiling is one hand building technique
Slab Building
Slump Mold
Pinch Pot
There are many potters that are nationally and internationally recognized right here in Goshen. One is Dick Lehman.
He creates his pieces by throwing them on a potter's wheel.
One thing he is known for the unique finishes on his works. He uses different glazes and firing processes to achieve these unique effects.
k He creates utilitarian art. This is art that is created to be used.
He uses the saggar method of firing
These are saggar fired pieces by Dick Lehman.
o There are many different methods of firing. The patterns on these were created by applying horsehair to a piece that was taken out of the kiln around 1000 degrees. The horse hair burns and leaves a carbon print.
Another local artist, who creates utilitarian art, is Marvin Bartel.
hvAG8 Maria Martinez