Smoking By :Kenzie Meacham
Research can be as simple as finding exactly what you need from just one resource, to having to go through 2 or 3 other resources before finding what you need. The story of my research... Some resources are useless. Bib cards are very helpful and can be confusing. I would rather use books to find information instead of the internet. Takes time and patience.
My Growth as a Researcher... Researching is not easy, and is very time consuming. Not everything you find is necessarily good information so you may have to look into a lot of different resources. Finally starting to put all the information together is somewhat difficult, because you have to find what would make more sense together rather than just scrambling everything.
My Search Results... Cigarettes as everyone knows, contain nicotine and black tar, which poison your lungs. After you inhale black tar, it sticks to the sides of your lungs and after awhile, makes it difficult to breathe. The nicotine paralyzes the cilia in your lungs, so they cannot remove phlegm from your lungs, and clogs your air way, which again makes it difficult to breathe. Also some of the other chemicals in cigarettes can cause your cells to grow like crazy and from this some people may develop tumors. Most of the time whenever girls start to smoke they think it will help keep weight down, and its just another myth. Even if they did want to keep their weight down, they have other alternatives like running, or riding a bike.
What I already knew... After someone smokes their first cigarette they already started harming their body and since it’s so addictive they probably won’t be able to ignore them very easily after that. It can be noted that some people smoke just by being around them or looking at them, like if they smell like smoke, or have yellow finger nails, and teeth. It causes more than just lung cancer. As soon as you stop smoking your body will begin to repair itself.
Works Cited Hyde, Margaret O. Know about Smoking. New York: Walker, Print. Keyishian, Elizabeth. Everything You Need to Know about Smoking. New York: Rosen Pub. Group, Print. A, Jamal, and Thomas A. "The Scoop on Smoking :: Home." The Scoop on Smoking. Web. 21 Mar