Smoking in The United States Alexandra M. Lippert 1/30/13 ECO 5550 Presentation
Smoking Trends in The United States An estimated 45.3 million people smoke or 19.3% of all adults (ages 18 and older). Tobacco causes more deaths than HIV, illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, suicides, and murders combined. Leading cause of preventable deaths. Approximately 443,000 deaths a year due to smoking, that’s about 1 in every 5 deaths. It is estimated that about 269,655 males and 173,940 females die each year from smoking. More common in men (21.5%) than women (17.3%)
Smoking Causes A large variety of cancers like bladder, cervix, kidney, lung, throat, mouth, pancreatic, stomach and more. Adverse reproductive and early childhood effects Compared to non smokers, smoking increases the risks of: – Coronary heart disease by 2-4 times – Stroke by 2-4 times – Men developing lung cancer by 23 times – Women developing lung cancer by 13 times – Dying from chronic obstructive lung diseases (bronchitis and emphysema) by times
Economic Costs Results in nearly 5.1 million years of potential life lost in The United States The life of an individual that smokes lost on average for a male 13.2 and female 14.5 years of potential life. From , smoking is responsible for $193 billion dollars in annual health related economic issues – About $96 billion in direct medical costs – Additional $97 billion in lost productivity
Trends In AgeTrends In Gender
Smoking Over The Years
References research/trend-reports/Tobacco-Trend- Report.pdf