Assignment 2 Thinking Globally Just setting up this power point so we can all work together and edit as we go. Just throwing ideas around
If we go with peace.... I don’t know if you can edit this power point and then save it to your desk top and re upload it when you are finished... Somehow I lost what I was doing so I am going to try it this way. If it gets too hard you can tell me how you want the slides set up or we could it... Whatever works ok... We cannot insert any pictures until the end as it will become too large for the wiki to handle.. I have lots of peace pictures I will share with you another way and we can work out what we want to use. That’s if Kathy wants to go with the peace theme. The purpose is to convince the staff that what we are presenting is relevant to all students and the whole school can participate.
Overview of Global Education Here we can discuss why peace is so important in a global context How students can be made aware of their place in keeping peaceful relations...
Detailed exploration of this learning emphasis - Peace Implementing a whole school program A simple program easy to relate to A few peace codes that are accompanied with hand signals Young children can relate to it Empowering students to have peaceful relations
Pathways to Peace Some little peace codes we could put in place… this could be done as a class or whole school project Speak Kindly Care For Yourself And Others Be Brave Turn Things Around Do The Right thing Be A Peacemaker Find Help
Why is peace important!! To develop respectful relations Teaching students that peace starts with the individual Building self esteem Taking control of situations We live in a world where conflict and violence continues to erupt. Because of the increased access to technology and through the media we are often overwhelmed by the images of war. Sadly their are many who have had firsthand experiences of these conflicts. Peace is important because without it we risk destroying the only world we have, we risk countries hating each other, international trade ceasing and many more wars breaking out. If we can lean learn to reject violence, endeavour to prevent conflicts by addressing the root causes and aim to solve problems through diologue and negotiation:and if we can learn the skills needed to have peaceful relationships we will increase the liklihood of peace occuring in the wider world in the future. (I AM NOT SURE IF I AM HITTING THE MARK HERE) This is derived from Browertt, J., & Ashman, G. (2007).Thinking Globally. Global perspectives in the early years classroom
Who does it affect? Students Teachers Parents Siblings Community
Who is responsible for peaceful relations in a school? Students Teachers Management All staff Community.....
Why would a peace code be beneficial for our school? It will give the students a focus Small steps to follow Easily understood Easily related to Less behaviour management problems in the yard and classrooms
Possible learning outcomes Understand what is needed to promote feelings of security and safety that lead to feeling peaceful. Begin to understand that people may hold stereotyped and prejudiced views???. Understand that all children have the same rights. Care for and help others. Develop a sense of own identity and self esteem. Develop a sense of helping others. Respect the rights of others. FIND PEACEFUL AND CONSTRUCTIVE SOLUTIONS TO A DISAGREEMENT AND UNFAIR SITUATIONS> Develop empathy for others. Identify opportunities for action