Brown Bear by. Alexa
Table of Contents Food Senses Fighting thing Related animals
Food They are omnivores. In spring bears eat plants. A bear uses its claws to open a clams hard shell. Bears eat bees.
Senses Bears can not see far. Bears smell far away.
Fighting things Dads fight with other males. Their paws are strong. Teeth are sharp and strong. They are 6 to 9 feet tall.
Related animals Did you now pandas are related to bears. They have soft fur. There nose is long. Bears are mammals.
Glossary Claws - sharp things on their hands Fight – they are fierce Omnivores- they eat meat and plants Strong-they have big muscles Teeth-big and sharp
Sources Brown Bears by: Lynn M. Stone. Bear Lisa by Magloff. What am I by Moira butlefield I wauyne ford.