1 Integrated Managing for Results Managing for Results: USAID Nigeria & IPs Day 1: Big Picture Managing for Results or Performance Management
2 Integrated Managing for Results Performance Management The process of : Planning to monitor results Collecting and analyzing performance information to track progress toward planned results Using performance information to influence program decision making and resource allocation Communicating results achieved
Program and Project Management Workshop3 Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) of 1993 Intended to shift the focus of Government officials and managers from program inputs toward program execution — what results (outcomes & outputs) are being achieved, and how well programs are meeting expected objectives REQUIRES Long-term goals Annual performance targets Annual reporting of actual performance
Program and Project Management Workshop4 Government Performance and Results Act Who is your customer? What do you do for the customer? How much do you do? What does it cost?
Program and Project Management Workshop5 DEFINITIONS: ADS + Customer:Pg. 37 Result: Pg. 45 Intermediate Result:Pg. 40 OutputsPg. 42 Input:Pg. 40 Strategic Objective:Pg. 46 Development HypothesisPg. 38 Operating Unit:Pg. 42 Bureau Planning Framework:Pg. 36 Strategy StatementUSAID Representative Program Components:Reference Doc. #3 White Paper:Resource Table Mission Performance Plan:USAID Representative
6 Integrated Managing for Results Managing for Results Achievement (ADS 203)
7 Integrated Managing for Results Levels of Results Tactical Level (Inputs & Outputs) Strategic Level (Results) Activities Sub-Intermediate Results Intermediate Results Strategic Objectives USAID Goals
Program and Project Management Workshop8 Managing for Results Results Results that USAID wants to achieve programs activities USAID implement s programs & activities Information Information to assess & improve performance GPRA & Core Values & USG Priorities Joint State & USAID Strategic Plan
Program and Project Management Workshop9 Agency Planning Framework A compendium of separate documents: “Policy Framework for Bilateral Foreign Aid” (The White Paper) and other USAID policies - how we work Strategic resource allocation model - where we work Program Components - what we do
Program and Project Management Workshop10 State & USAID Planning SO Strategic Goals Performance Goals USAID Operating Unit Strategy Statement Operating Units SO Program Components Joint State/USAID Agency Strategic Plan Filter of Agency Framework, Bureau Frameworks, Technical Strategies and OU Strategy Statements
Program and Project Management Workshop11 Program Components Are for reporting not planning purposes Should not drive strategy development Are not expected to serve as SOs or IRs
Program and Project Management Workshop12 Agency strategy on the Regional, Sectoral and Country levels Regional Frameworks Represent the Agency’s priorities To be updated every year Sectoral Strategies Country Strategy Statement Operational Plan Part of the Annual Report Includes resource requirements
Program and Project Management Workshop13 USG Worldwide Strategies US National Security Strategy and International Affairs Strategic Plan US National Development Strategy (in development) Joint State & USAID Strategic Plan USAID Agency Planning Framework Regional and Pillar Bureau Strategic Frameworks
Program and Project Management Workshop14 The National Security Strategy of the United States of America: Sept Goals: Political and Economic Freedom Peaceful Relations with other States Respect for Human Dignity Strategic Plan Fiscal Years : Aligning Diplomacy and Development Assistance: US Department of State and USAID Mission: Create a more secure, democratic, and prosperous world for the benefit of the American people and the international community Strategic Objectives (SO) and Strategic Goals (SG) SO: Achieve peace and Security - SG: Regional Stability, Counter Terrorism, International Crime and Drugs, SO: Advance Sustainable Development and Global Interests – SG: Democracy and Human Rights, Economic Prosperity and Security, Social and Environmental Issues, Humanitarian Response, SO: Promote International Understanding – SG: Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, White Paper: U.S. Foreign Aid: Meeting the Challenges of the Twenty-first Century, January 2004 Core Operational Goals: Promoting transformational development Strengthening fragile states Humanitarian response Support for strategic states Global/transnational issues and other special concerns DRAFT ANE Bureau Planning Framework White Paper Typology: Transformational development Fragile state Strategic state Technical Analysis: Economic Growth and Agriculture Energy and Environment Population and Health Democracy and Governance Education Cross-cutting themes: governance, anticorruption, gender, youth, information and communication technology Mission Performance Plan FY 2006: U.S. Mission to Bangladesh 9/30/2004 Strategic Goal Paper No. 1: Democratic Systems and Practices Strategic Goal: Democracy and Human Rights Strategic Goal Paper No. 4: Economic Growth and Development Strategic Goal: Economic Prosperity and Security Strategic Goal Paper No. 5: Global Health Strategic Goal: Social and Environmental Issues Strategy Goal Paper No. 8: Disaster Prevention/Response via capacity building Strategic Goal: Humanitarian Response CONCEPTUAL MAP: US LINKAGES USAID/Bangladesh Strategic Plan FY 2000 – FY 2005 SO1: FERTILITY REDUCED AND IMPROVED FAMILY HEALTH SO5: GROWTH OF AGRIBUSINESS AND SMALL BUSINESS (SO 5) SO6: IMPROVED MANAGEMENT OF OPEN WATER AND TROPICAL FOREST RESOURCES SO7: IMPROVED PERFORMANCE OF THE ENERGY SECTOR SO8: IMPROVED FOOD SECURITY FOR VULNERABLE GROUPS SO9: STRENGTHENED INSTITUTIONS OF DEMOCRACY SO10: IMPROVED PERFORMANCE AT EARLY CHILDHOOD AND PRIMARY EDUCATION LEVEL
Program and Project Management Workshop15 Task 1: 45 Minutes Big Picture Select a group Facilitator and a Presenter Review the Big Picture material presented for questions and answers Identify up to 5 questions the group can’t answer (if any) List those questions on a flip chart for presentation in plenary
16 Integrated Managing for Results The Portfolio Review A systematic analysis of the progress of an SO Focuses on strategic and operational issues to determine whether USAID-supported activities are leading to the results outlined in the approved results framework Led by the Operating Unit Brings together various perspectives and points of view Leads to management decisions Should consider a set of issues that are prescribed in the ADS (See ADS Pg. 30) Mandatory: Operating Units must conduct at least one portfolio review each year that covers all activities included in their strategic, special and program support objectives
Program and Project Management Workshop17 Portfolio reviews examine… Past year’s progress and expectations for future progress Evidence that activities contribute to results Adequacy of inputs for producing planned outputs Adequacy of the performance indicators selected in the PMP
Program and Project Management Workshop18 Portfolio reviews examine… Status and timeliness of input mobilization Progress on the Annual Procurement Plan Status of critical assumptions and causal relationships
Program and Project Management Workshop19 Portfolio reviews examine… Status of cross-cutting themes and/or synergies between Strategic Objectives Status of related partner efforts Status of the Operating Unit's Management Agreement and the need for any changes to the approved Strategic Plan
Program and Project Management Workshop20 Portfolio reviews examine… Pipeline levels and future resource requirements SO Team effectiveness and adequacy of staffing Vulnerability issues, related corrective efforts, and their costs
Program and Project Management Workshop21 Annual Report Performance Assessment Step 1: Designate Performance Indicators and Targets (ADS pg. 36) Step 2: Conduct Assessment of Target Achievement (ADS pg.37) Expectation not met, met, exceeded
Program and Project Management Workshop22 Task 2: 1 hour Performance Assessment Review targets (dotted trend line) and actual data (solid trend line) for each indicator by result. (pgs. 9 – 10) for the year 2000 Decide whether the each result rated as “not met” “met” or “exceeded” expectations for that year. Use the following symbols in the box of each result in the Results Framework (pg. 5) to record your decision: Not met = minus sign (--) Met = plus sign (+) Exceeded = double plus sign (++)
Program and Project Management Workshop23 Task 2: 1 hour Performance Assessment… Review the causal relationships: do the plusses and minuses indicate that the Intermediate Results cause the SO to be achieved? Consider these questions: Do you trust the data? Does the Development Hypothesis work? Record on a flip chart what decisions you might make, including decisions to evaluate your questions that arise.