Some of the most plainly stated and yet most often ignored statements of the New Testament have to do with “baptism”. Virtually every book either expressly demands it, gives multiple examples of it, or at least refers to it. And yet, man in his wisdom, has determined that one does not “have” to be baptized. “He who has believed and is baptized, shall be saved” has become “just accept Jesus as you personal Savior”!
Which baptism is the “one” of Ephesians 4:5? Not the Baptism of John, Acts 19:1-5 Not the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Acts 1:1-8 Not the Baptism of Fire, Matt.3:10-13 It is the one Jesus commanded in the Great Commission, Mark 16:15-16 It is the one that “makes disciples”, Matt.28:19 It is the one baptism which saves, 1Pet.3:21 “But how do you know?” Let’s look at the nuts & bolts of baptism…
Who Should be Baptized? To whom does the command of baptism apply? >Infants? Acts 16:31 Not according to vv.31,34 and 8:12 >Fallen Saints (“rebaptized”)? Not according to 1John 1:8 – 2:2 and Jas.5:16 Who then is supposed to be baptized? Penitent Believers- those who believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God and are willing to live for Him rather than self! Mark 16:14-16; Acts 8:13,37
How Should Baptism be Administered? From the scriptures, the Proper Mode of baptism requires: >Water, Acts 8:36 >Much Water, John 3:23 >An “into” and “out of” method, Acts 8:38 >Burial, Rom.6:3-4 >A New Birth, John 3:3-5 But Proper Baptism does not require: >A Public Assembly or Witnesses, Acts 8:26-39 >An Ordained Minister to administer it >Any prerequisites other than a believing, penitent heart and a willingness to obey, Matt.28:20
Why is Baptism Necessary? Why does Belief + Baptism = Salvation? >because Baptism into Christ, Gal.3:27 reaches Blessings, Eph.1:3 and brings Salvation, 2Tim.2:10 >because Baptism in Christ’s Name, Matt.28:19 reaches Remission, Acts 10:35,43 and brings Salvation, Acts 4:12 >because Baptism into His Body, 1Cor.12:13 reaches the Church, Eph.1:22-23 and brings Salvation, Eph.5:23 >because Baptism into Death, Rom.6:3-4 reaches His Blood, Rom.5:8-11 and brings Salvation, Eph.1:7!
Now the big question: Does God Accept Your Baptism? For God to “accept” anything, it must be done according to His will- the way He said it, and for the reasons He said it. Essentially then, there are 3 conditions which must be met: 1. Proper Subject- Were you a fit subject for baptism? Accountable Age: an understanding mind which comprehends not only what you are doing, but why. Rom.3:23; 6:23 Right Heart: a believing, penitent, and willing to obey one. Acts 16:31-34; 8:36-37
Now the big question: Does God Accept Your Baptism? For God to “accept” anything, it must be done according to His will- the way He said it, and for the reasons He said it. Essentially then, there are 3 conditions which must be met: 1. Proper Subject- Accountable Age & Right Heart 2. Proper Method- Were baptized correctly? -Were you immersed? Acts 8:36,38 -Were you buried? Rom.6:3-4 -Were you born of water & Spirit? John 3:3-5 Were you really baptized, or did you just have water sprinkled or poured on you?
Now the big question: Does God Accept Your Baptism? For God to “accept” anything, it must be done according to His will- the way He said it, and for the reasons He said it. Essentially then, there are 3 conditions which must be met: 1. Proper Subject- Accountable Age & Right Heart 2. Proper Method- Immersed, Buried, & Born Again 3. Proper Motivation- Was it for right/scriptural reasons? >For the remission of sins and to put you into Christ and His Body, Acts 2:38; 22:16; Gal.3:27; 1Cor.12:13 >Or, was it instead “as an outward sign of an inward grace”? To publicly testify that you had “accepted Jesus as Savior”? To identify yourself with some denomination? >To please your parents, friends, spouse, or anyone else? One motivation accomplishes the goal- the others just get you wet!
Finally, really the big questions: Are you a penitent believer in Jesus Christ who wants to have your sins “washed away” and begin a new life of service to Him? Are you ready to be “buried with Him in baptism” that you may contact His redeeming blood and crucify your old self of sin? Do you believe with all you heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of God? Great! But believing isn’t by itself enough, James 2:19-20! Are you ready to act on your faith and be baptized in the right way and for the right reasons? James 2:26